系統領域教師 | 所屬實驗室 |
伍朝欽教授 | 平行與智慧計算實驗室 |
易昶霈教授 | 電路實驗室 (一)(二) |
陳仁德副教授 | 數位晶片設計實驗室 |
張家濟副教授 | 嵌入式系統暨無線感測網路實驗室 |
網路通訊領域教師 | 所屬實驗室 |
丁德榮教授 | 光纖網路最佳化實驗室 |
張英超教授 | 無線與行動網路實驗室 |
鄧德雋教授 | 無線通訊網路實驗室 |
詹益禎副教授 | 網路協定實驗室 |
軟體發展領域教師 | 所屬實驗室 |
陳伯岳教授 | 數位系統設計實驗室 |
蕭如淵教授 | 多媒體技術實驗室 |
施明毅副教授 | 資料探勘實驗室 |
賴聯福副教授 | 軟體工程實驗室 |
黃耀賢助理教授 | 醫學影像處理實驗室 |
本系於107學年度成立「資訊工程學系物聯網碩士班」;本系發展重點有三大領域:軟體發展、網路通訊、系統整合(含IC設計),涵蓋了發展物聯網相關技術的整體需求; 結合師生創意發現與研究能量,與產業脈動結合。 108年度本系申請到「教育部新工程教育方法實踐與建構計畫」,以智慧小車為實驗主體進行物聯網研究與實行應用。
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 | 主持人 |
2023-11-01 | 2024-10-31 | 具有多重無線通訊協定的超低功耗電子標籤之設計與實現 | 國科會 | 470,000 | 張家濟 |
2023-08-01 | 2025-07-31 | 混合多頻段彈性光網路上多週期漸進式規劃問題 | 國科會 | 1,643,000 | 丁德榮 |
2023-08-01 | 2024-07-31 | 一個車聯網之軟體定義路由平台:以整合深度/元強化學習與隨機森林的策略來處理車輛歷史軌跡與即時資訊 | 國科會 | 690,000 | 張英超 |
2023-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 人工智慧與機器學習於B5G/Pre6G通訊系統之運用與整合 | 國科會 | 2,058,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2023-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 智慧化電腦斷層之自監督學習電腦輔助多組織標注與胰臟癌分級系統 | 國科會 | 724,000 | 黃耀賢 |
2023-08-01 | 2024-07-31 | 智慧晶片系統與應用人才培育計畫課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 889,900 | 丁德榮、張家濟 |
2022-11-01 | 2023-10-31 | 產學合作計畫-結合備用電源之多源能量採集器的無源無線感測裝置 | 國科會+奕傑電子股份有限公司 | 840,456 | 張家濟 |
2022-11-01 | 0000-00-00 | 結合備用電源之多源能量採集器的無源無線感測裝置 | 國科會 | 590,000 | 張家濟 |
2022-08-01 | 2023-07-31 | 智慧化電腦斷層影像之電腦輔助有效影像篩選與組織標注系統 | 科技部 | 635,000 | 黃耀賢 |
2022-08-01 | 2023-10-31 | 多頻段彈性光網路升級順序問題 | 科技部 | 700,000 | 丁德榮 |
2022-08-01 | 2024-07-31 | 人工智慧/機器學習於B5G/Pre6G網路的應用:以強化學習為例 | 科技部 | 1,718,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2022-08-01 | 2024-07-31 | 基於異質性平行分散式架構之類神經網路自動調參系統與工作排程策略之研究 | 國科會 | 1,562,000 | 伍朝欽、賴聯福 |
2022-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 111年教育部智慧晶片系統與應用人才培育計畫-智慧晶片系統與應用課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 1,477,778 | 丁德榮、張英超 |
2022-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 教育部111年度教學實踐研究計畫-以問題導向學習(PBL)策略的實務社群提升大學生學習動機與成效之研究-以微處理機技術必修課程為例 | 教育部 | 195,500 | 伍朝欽 |
2022-02-01 | 0000-00-00 | 5G行動寬頻課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 477,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2021-11-01 | 2023-01-31 | 設計並實現具備用電源的無線感測系統:結合能量採集器之即時監測血氧濃度、心率和遠紅外線熱傳感測器陣列 | 國科會 | 470,000 | 張家濟 |
2021-09-22 | 0000-00-00 | 110年教育訓練經費補助-LIB學堂 相揪e起閱讀趣 | 教育部 | 7,500 | 伍朝欽 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 110學年度大專校院身心障礙學生人文社會學科上課必要用書之有聲書製作與管理計畫 | 教育部 | 1,429,000 | 伍朝欽 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 110學年度高級中等以下學校人文社會學科有聲教科書製作與管理計畫 | 教育部國民及學前教育署 | 5,000,000 | 伍朝欽 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 彈性光網路時變流量之虛擬網路資源交易與擴充問題研究 | 國科會 | 561,000 | 丁德榮 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 風速感知的軟體定義飛行網路中以強化學習恢復斷裂無人機連結的3R演算法 | 國科會 | 660,000 | 張英超 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | IEEE 802.11ba/IEEE 802.11be 網路中以及時量測為基礎之效能優化方案 | 國科會 | 660,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 110年度智慧晶片應用與聯網技術課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 1,234,442 | 丁德榮、張英超 |
2020-08-01 | 2021-07-31 | 運用強化學習來尋找車載網路路由路徑 | 科技部 | 740,000 | 張英超 |
2020-08-01 | 2021-06-30 | 教育部智慧物聯網課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 1,444,444 | 丁德榮 |
2020-08-01 | 2022-07-31 | 支持向量機於GPU中之平行度開發研究 | 科技部 | 1,881,000 | 伍朝欽、賴聯福 |
2020-08-01 | 2023-07-31 | 次世代無線區域網路協定之效能分析與改進 | 國科會 | 2,817,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2019-08-01 | 2020-07-31 | 運用貝氏推論改進強化學習的次世代車聯網 | 科技部 | 6,000,000 | 張英超 |
2019-08-01 | 2021-05-31 | 支持向量機於GPU中之平行優化研究 | 科技部 | 601,000 | 伍朝欽、賴聯福 |
2019-07-01 | 2020-02-28 | 以人工智慧辨識機車進入大車盲點之預警系統 | 科技部 | 48,000 | 張英超 |
2019-06-01 | 0000-00-00 | 108年度新工程教育方法實驗與建構計畫-B類計畫:主題式課群之創建 | 教育部 | 3,400,000 | 伍朝欽、陳伯岳 |
2018-11-01 | 2019-10-31 | 產學合作計畫-無線區域網路中基於使用者經驗為導向之效能分析 | 科技部 | 760,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2018-08-01 | 2021-07-31 | IEEE 802.11ax 與 IEEE 802.11ba 省電機制之研究 | 科技部 | 2,043,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2018-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 107年度教育部扎根高中職資訊科學教育計畫 | 教育部 | 810,000 | 伍朝欽 |
2018-01-01 | 2019-12-31 | France-Taiwan Orchid Program | 科技部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2017-08-01 | 2018-07-31 | 使用機器學習與雲端運算技術來開發具協同過濾推薦功能的網路商品模糊查詢服務 | 科技部 | 543,000 | 賴聯福 |
2017-08-01 | 2018-07-31 | 車輛網路上以軌跡與網路編碼為基礎的多點路由協定 | 科技部 | 550,000 | 張英超 |
2017-08-01 | 2020-07-31 | IEEE 802.11ax 隨機存取協定之效能分析與最佳化 | 科技部 | 2,603,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2017-08-01 | 2018-07-31 | 彈性光網路上彈性傳送模式之需求傳送問題研究 | 科技部 | 764,000 | 丁德榮 |
2016-12-01 | 2018-11-30 | 資訊工程與科技法律跨領域課程發展之研究-資訊工程與科技法律跨領域課程發展之研究 | 科技部 | 2,388,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2016-08-01 | 2017-07-31 | 車載隨意行動網路中一個擁有社會意識以軌跡為基礎的路由協定 | 科技部 | 649,000 | 張英超 |
2016-08-01 | 2017-07-31 | 彈性光網路上時變交通模式多路徑路由頻譜配置擴充與縮減問題 | 科技部 | 649,000 | 丁德榮 |
2016-02-01 | 2017-01-31 | 105年度教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升計畫 - 資訊檢索與探勘課程 | 教育部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2015-08-19 | 2015-08-20 | 第十一屆國際異質網路之品質、可靠度、安全性與穩健性學術會議 | 科技部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2015-08-01 | 2016-07-31 | 以元件式軟體工程達成商用網站與商用APP的自動化建構 | 科技部 | 566,000 | 賴聯福 |
2015-08-01 | 2016-07-31 | 基於車載網路分享車輛資訊的動態車輛共乘系統之設計 | 科技部 | 609,000 | 張英超 |
2014-08-01 | 2015-10-31 | 彈性光學網路上虛擬拓樸設計重整與轉換問題之研究 (103-2221-E-018-026-) | 國科會 | 692,000 | 丁德榮 |
2014-08-01 | 2015-07-31 | 車輛延遲容忍網路下基於軌跡預測的高效率資料轉傳協定 | 科技部 | 589,000 | 張英超 |
2013-08-01 | 2014-10-31 | 混合傳輸速率分波多工網路上虛擬拓樸重新調整問
(102-2221-E-018-013-) | 國科會 | 636,000 | 丁德榮 |
2013-08-01 | 2014-07-31 | 使用資料探勘及模糊理論開發具情境感知與機器學習功能的Android平台程式 | 科技部 | 566,000 | 賴聯福 |
2013-08-01 | 2014-07-31 | SocialCode: 車輛網路上一個以信用為基礎,激勵不同自私與興趣程度的車輛節點使用網路編碼於合作式內容分享的協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 577,000 | 張英超 |
2013-08-01 | 2016-07-31 | 無線隨意網路之定位演算法與效能最佳化 | 科技部 | 2,616,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2013-07-01 | 2014-02-28 | 汽車共乘之配對方法 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 | 張英超 |
2012-08-01 | 2013-07-31 | 以模糊查詢技術及服務導向架構實作人力資源網路服務於無所不在的環境 | 國科會 | 554,000 | 賴聯福 |
2012-08-01 | 2013-07-31 | IG-Ferry: 車輛延遲容忍網路上一個以副本為基礎的高效率路由協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 632,000 | 張英超 |
2012-08-01 | 2013-07-31 | 巨量資料的群聚和網路分析 | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 653,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2012-02-01 | 2013-01-31 | 教育部101年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 250,000 | 賴聯福 |
2012-01-01 | 2013-02-28 | 基於即時路況收集交換動態節能路徑規劃演算法設計與Android平台上的實作 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 | 張英超 |
2012-01-01 | 2013-12-31 | France-Taiwan Orchid Program (中法幽蘭計畫) | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2011-08-01 | 2012-07-31 | 以模糊邏輯及雲端計算技術開發模糊搜尋引擎 | 國科會 | 593,000 | 賴聯福 |
2011-08-01 | 2012-07-31 | 使用歷史與即時交通資訊之高效率車輛網路單點路由 | 國家科學委員會 | 531,000 | 張英超 |
2011-08-01 | 2012-07-31 | Cloud based Learning Group Recommendation System | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 605,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2011-08-01 | 2011-12-31 | 資訊與通訊技術提升之重點研究-無線通訊之前瞻技術研究與網際通訊效率之改善與其應用於家庭網路之研究 | 國立彰化師範大學 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2011-07-01 | 2013-01-31 | 網路通訊重點領域學程計畫 - 網通技術與文創觀光應用服務跨領域學程 | 教育部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2010-10-01 | 2012-01-31 | 教育部 99-100 年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 500,000 | 賴聯福 |
2010-08-01 | 2011-07-31 | 反應式FHCoP-B快速換手的流程最佳化與效能分析 | 國家科學委員會 | 53,100 | 張英超 |
2010-08-01 | 2010-12-31 | 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫 | 經濟部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2010-04-01 | 2011-03-30 | 資訊軟體人才培育先導計畫 - 資料結構課程 | 教育部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2009-09-01 | 2009-10-31 | 2009 年.tw 校園網路趨勢系列活動 | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2009-08-01 | 2010-07-31 | 巢狀式行動網路下主動式與反應式FHCoP-B快速換手的架構設計與效能分析 | 國家科學委員會 | 612,000 | 張英超 |
2009-08-01 | 2010-01-31 | 資通訊重點領域課程推廣計劃 | 教育部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2009-07-01 | 2010-02-28 | 修改NEPL程式,實作出HCoP-B架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 | 張英超 |
2009-02-01 | 2009-07-31 | 98年度資通訊課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 267,425 | 張英超 |
2009-02-01 | 2009-12-31 | Taiwan Academic Network Conference 2009 (TANET 2009) | 教育部 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2008-08-01 | 2009-07-31 | 巢狀式行動網路下整合SIP、HCoP-B與第二層快速換手的跨層架構設計 | 國家科學委員會 | 623,000 | 張英超 |
2008-08-01 | 2011-07-31 | Remote Monitoring and Control Service in Digital Homes with RFID | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 1,753,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2008-01-01 | 2008-12-31 | Guaranteed QoS Scheduling Policy for CBR Traffic in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs | 國立彰化師範大學 | 0 | 鄧德雋 |
2007-12-01 | 2009-01-31 | 96-97年度資通訊課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 750,000 | 張英超 |
2007-08-01 | 2008-07-31 | 巢狀式行動網路下的無縫式換手與多點群播研究 | 國家科學委員會 | 623,000 | 張英超 |
2007-08-01 | 2008-07-31 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (3/3) | 國科會 | 483,000 | 賴聯福 |
2006-09-01 | 2006-12-31 | 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫特定課程補助 | 教育部 | 84,000 | 張英超 |
2006-08-01 | 2007-07-31 | 支援路由最佳化、快速換手與多點傳送之階層式巢狀無線行動網路架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 511,000 | 張英超 |
2006-08-01 | 2007-07-31 | IEEE802.11無線區域網路通訊協定於高負載與高雜訊環境中其媒體存取最佳化技術之研究與設計 | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 499,000 | 鄧德雋 |
2006-08-01 | 2007-07-31 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (2/3) | 國科會 | 483,000 | 賴聯福 |
2006-05-01 | 2007-01-31 | 大專校院資訊人才培育先導型計畫-軟體工程課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 580,000 | 賴聯福 |
2005-08-01 | 2006-07-31 | 第四代異質性無線網路下之階層式多媒體多點傳送同步架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 536,000 | 張英超 |
2005-08-01 | 2006-07-31 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (1/3) | 國科會 | 473,000 | 賴聯福 |
2005-03-01 | 2006-01-31 | 大專校院資訊人才培育先導型計畫-軟體工程課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 650,000 | 賴聯福 |
2004-08-01 | 2005-07-31 | 異質性無線網路上支援多媒體快速換手的階層式多點傳送SIP協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 617,600 | 張英超 |
2004-08-01 | 2005-07-31 | 使用自動化軟體工程方法解 決時間排程問題 | 國科會 | 456,600 | 賴聯福 |
2004-04-01 | 2004-12-31 | 大專校院資訊人才培育計畫 -軟體工程聯盟發展計畫 | 教育部 | 500,000 | 賴聯福 |
2003-08-01 | 2005-07-31 | 異質性無線網路上多媒體服務品質之確保 | 國家科學委員會 | 610,300 | 張英超 |
2003-08-01 | 2004-07-31 | 使用概念圖形法來達成知識管理 | 國科會 | 463,400 | 賴聯福 |
2003-07-13 | 2004-02-28 | 使用行動通訊裝置建構校園互動式多媒體資訊系統(92國科會大專生專 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 | 張英超 |
2002-12-01 | 2003-12-31 | 中部科學園區推動計畫: 安全異質性接取網路之服務與應用 | 國家科學委員會 | 3,643,300 | 張英超 |
2002-08-01 | 2003-07-31 | 整合多媒體伺服器、代理伺服器與無線行動用戶的即時多媒體SMIL預載與排程架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 504,400 | 張英超 |
2002-08-01 | 2003-07-31 | 以知識工程架構達成知識管理之研究 | 國科會 | 282,000 | 賴聯福 |
2002-07-01 | 2003-02-28 | 在無線網路PDA上之SMIL即時學習系統(91國科會大 | 國家科學委員會 | 0 | 張英超 |
2001-08-01 | 2002-07-31 | 支援SMIL多媒體即時同步遠距教學的動態網路調配平台 | 國家科學委員會 | 481,600 | 張英超 |
2001-07-01 | 2002-02-28 | PDA上SMIL多媒體無線通訊系統的開發與研究(90國科會大專生專題計畫) | 國家科學委員會 | 0 | 張英超 |
2000-08-01 | 2001-07-31 | 以SMIL為基礎的多媒體即時同步遠距教學 | 國家科學委員會 | 414,400 | 張英超 |
2000-08-01 | 2001-07-31 | 以概念圖形法來達成智慧型代理人之知識分享 | 國科會 | 288,300 | 賴聯福 |
1999-08-01 | 2000-07-31 | 遠距教學環境中之多媒體即時同步資料流伺服器的研發 | 國家科學委員會 | 0 | 張英超 |
1999-08-01 | 2000-07-31 | 使用高階派翠網路驗證工作結構 | 國科會 | 244,800 | 賴聯福 |
1998-11-01 | 1999-06-30 | 網際網路上「多媒體」「即時」遠距教學系統之研發(88大專生參與國科會計畫) | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 | 張英超 |
1998-08-01 | 1999-07-31 | 應用於遠距教學中之全球資訊網多媒體同步技術的研發與實作 | 國家科學委員會 | 333,900 | 張英超 |
主持人 : 陳伯岳 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
主持人 : 詹益禎 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
主持人 : 易昶霈 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
主持人 : 陳仁德 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
主持人 : 施明毅 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
主持人 : 賴聯福 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
2017-08-01 | 2018-07-31 | 使用機器學習與雲端運算技術來開發具協同過濾推薦功能的網路商品模糊查詢服務 | 科技部 | 543,000 |
2015-08-01 | 2016-07-31 | 以元件式軟體工程達成商用網站與商用APP的自動化建構 | 科技部 | 566,000 |
2013-08-01 | 2014-07-31 | 使用資料探勘及模糊理論開發具情境感知與機器學習功能的Android平台程式 | 科技部 | 566,000 |
2012-08-01 | 2013-07-31 | 以模糊查詢技術及服務導向架構實作人力資源網路服務於無所不在的環境 | 國科會 | 554,000 |
2012-02-01 | 2013-01-31 | 教育部101年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 250,000 |
2011-08-01 | 2012-07-31 | 以模糊邏輯及雲端計算技術開發模糊搜尋引擎 | 國科會 | 593,000 |
2010-10-01 | 2012-01-31 | 教育部 99-100 年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 500,000 |
2007-08-01 | 2008-07-31 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (3/3) | 國科會 | 483,000 |
2006-08-01 | 2007-07-31 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (2/3) | 國科會 | 483,000 |
2006-05-01 | 2007-01-31 | 大專校院資訊人才培育先導型計畫-軟體工程課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 580,000 |
2005-08-01 | 2006-07-31 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (1/3) | 國科會 | 473,000 |
2005-03-01 | 2006-01-31 | 大專校院資訊人才培育先導型計畫-軟體工程課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 650,000 |
2004-08-01 | 2005-07-31 | 使用自動化軟體工程方法解 決時間排程問題 | 國科會 | 456,600 |
2004-04-01 | 2004-12-31 | 大專校院資訊人才培育計畫 -軟體工程聯盟發展計畫 | 教育部 | 500,000 |
2003-08-01 | 2004-07-31 | 使用概念圖形法來達成知識管理 | 國科會 | 463,400 |
2002-08-01 | 2003-07-31 | 以知識工程架構達成知識管理之研究 | 國科會 | 282,000 |
2000-08-01 | 2001-07-31 | 以概念圖形法來達成智慧型代理人之知識分享 | 國科會 | 288,300 |
1999-08-01 | 2000-07-31 | 使用高階派翠網路驗證工作結構 | 國科會 | 244,800 |
主持人 : 蕭如淵 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
主持人 : 丁德榮 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
2023-08-01 | 2025-07-31 | 混合多頻段彈性光網路上多週期漸進式規劃問題 | 國科會 | 1,643,000 |
2022-08-01 | 2023-10-31 | 多頻段彈性光網路升級順序問題 | 科技部 | 700,000 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 彈性光網路時變流量之虛擬網路資源交易與擴充問題研究 | 國科會 | 561,000 |
2020-08-01 | 2021-06-30 | 教育部智慧物聯網課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 1,444,444 |
2017-08-01 | 2018-07-31 | 彈性光網路上彈性傳送模式之需求傳送問題研究 | 科技部 | 764,000 |
2016-08-01 | 2017-07-31 | 彈性光網路上時變交通模式多路徑路由頻譜配置擴充與縮減問題 | 科技部 | 649,000 |
2014-08-01 | 2015-10-31 | 彈性光學網路上虛擬拓樸設計重整與轉換問題之研究 (103-2221-E-018-026-) | 國科會 | 692,000 |
2013-08-01 | 2014-10-31 | 混合傳輸速率分波多工網路上虛擬拓樸重新調整問
(102-2221-E-018-013-) | 國科會 | 636,000 |
主持人 : 鄧德雋 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
2023-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 人工智慧與機器學習於B5G/Pre6G通訊系統之運用與整合 | 國科會 | 2,058,000 |
2022-08-01 | 2024-07-31 | 人工智慧/機器學習於B5G/Pre6G網路的應用:以強化學習為例 | 科技部 | 1,718,000 |
2022-02-01 | 0000-00-00 | 5G行動寬頻課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 477,000 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | IEEE 802.11ba/IEEE 802.11be 網路中以及時量測為基礎之效能優化方案 | 國科會 | 660,000 |
2020-08-01 | 2023-07-31 | 次世代無線區域網路協定之效能分析與改進 | 國科會 | 2,817,000 |
2018-11-01 | 2019-10-31 | 產學合作計畫-無線區域網路中基於使用者經驗為導向之效能分析 | 科技部 | 760,000 |
2018-08-01 | 2021-07-31 | IEEE 802.11ax 與 IEEE 802.11ba 省電機制之研究 | 科技部 | 2,043,000 |
2018-01-01 | 2019-12-31 | France-Taiwan Orchid Program | 科技部 | 0 |
2017-08-01 | 2020-07-31 | IEEE 802.11ax 隨機存取協定之效能分析與最佳化 | 科技部 | 2,603,000 |
2016-12-01 | 2018-11-30 | 資訊工程與科技法律跨領域課程發展之研究-資訊工程與科技法律跨領域課程發展之研究 | 科技部 | 2,388,000 |
2016-02-01 | 2017-01-31 | 105年度教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升計畫 - 資訊檢索與探勘課程 | 教育部 | 0 |
2015-08-19 | 2015-08-20 | 第十一屆國際異質網路之品質、可靠度、安全性與穩健性學術會議 | 科技部 | 0 |
2013-08-01 | 2016-07-31 | 無線隨意網路之定位演算法與效能最佳化 | 科技部 | 2,616,000 |
2012-08-01 | 2013-07-31 | 巨量資料的群聚和網路分析 | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 653,000 |
2012-01-01 | 2013-12-31 | France-Taiwan Orchid Program (中法幽蘭計畫) | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 0 |
2011-08-01 | 2012-07-31 | Cloud based Learning Group Recommendation System | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 605,000 |
2011-08-01 | 2011-12-31 | 資訊與通訊技術提升之重點研究-無線通訊之前瞻技術研究與網際通訊效率之改善與其應用於家庭網路之研究 | 國立彰化師範大學 | 0 |
2011-07-01 | 2013-01-31 | 網路通訊重點領域學程計畫 - 網通技術與文創觀光應用服務跨領域學程 | 教育部 | 0 |
2010-08-01 | 2010-12-31 | 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫 | 經濟部 | 0 |
2010-04-01 | 2011-03-30 | 資訊軟體人才培育先導計畫 - 資料結構課程 | 教育部 | 0 |
2009-09-01 | 2009-10-31 | 2009 年.tw 校園網路趨勢系列活動 | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) | 0 |
2009-08-01 | 2010-01-31 | 資通訊重點領域課程推廣計劃 | 教育部 | 0 |
2009-02-01 | 2009-12-31 | Taiwan Academic Network Conference 2009 (TANET 2009) | 教育部 | 0 |
2008-08-01 | 2011-07-31 | Remote Monitoring and Control Service in Digital Homes with RFID | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 1,753,000 |
2008-01-01 | 2008-12-31 | Guaranteed QoS Scheduling Policy for CBR Traffic in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs | 國立彰化師範大學 | 0 |
2006-08-01 | 2007-07-31 | IEEE802.11無線區域網路通訊協定於高負載與高雜訊環境中其媒體存取最佳化技術之研究與設計 | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 499,000 |
主持人 : 伍朝欽 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
2022-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 教育部111年度教學實踐研究計畫-以問題導向學習(PBL)策略的實務社群提升大學生學習動機與成效之研究-以微處理機技術必修課程為例 | 教育部 | 195,500 |
2021-09-22 | 0000-00-00 | 110年教育訓練經費補助-LIB學堂 相揪e起閱讀趣 | 教育部 | 7,500 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 110學年度大專校院身心障礙學生人文社會學科上課必要用書之有聲書製作與管理計畫 | 教育部 | 1,429,000 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 110學年度高級中等以下學校人文社會學科有聲教科書製作與管理計畫 | 教育部國民及學前教育署 | 5,000,000 |
2018-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 107年度教育部扎根高中職資訊科學教育計畫 | 教育部 | 810,000 |
主持人 : 張英超 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
2023-08-01 | 2024-07-31 | 一個車聯網之軟體定義路由平台:以整合深度/元強化學習與隨機森林的策略來處理車輛歷史軌跡與即時資訊 | 國科會 | 690,000 |
2021-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 風速感知的軟體定義飛行網路中以強化學習恢復斷裂無人機連結的3R演算法 | 國科會 | 660,000 |
2020-08-01 | 2021-07-31 | 運用強化學習來尋找車載網路路由路徑 | 科技部 | 740,000 |
2019-08-01 | 2020-07-31 | 運用貝氏推論改進強化學習的次世代車聯網 | 科技部 | 6,000,000 |
2019-07-01 | 2020-02-28 | 以人工智慧辨識機車進入大車盲點之預警系統 | 科技部 | 48,000 |
2017-08-01 | 2018-07-31 | 車輛網路上以軌跡與網路編碼為基礎的多點路由協定 | 科技部 | 550,000 |
2016-08-01 | 2017-07-31 | 車載隨意行動網路中一個擁有社會意識以軌跡為基礎的路由協定 | 科技部 | 649,000 |
2015-08-01 | 2016-07-31 | 基於車載網路分享車輛資訊的動態車輛共乘系統之設計 | 科技部 | 609,000 |
2014-08-01 | 2015-07-31 | 車輛延遲容忍網路下基於軌跡預測的高效率資料轉傳協定 | 科技部 | 589,000 |
2013-08-01 | 2014-07-31 | SocialCode: 車輛網路上一個以信用為基礎,激勵不同自私與興趣程度的車輛節點使用網路編碼於合作式內容分享的協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 577,000 |
2013-07-01 | 2014-02-28 | 汽車共乘之配對方法 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 |
2012-08-01 | 2013-07-31 | IG-Ferry: 車輛延遲容忍網路上一個以副本為基礎的高效率路由協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 632,000 |
2012-01-01 | 2013-02-28 | 基於即時路況收集交換動態節能路徑規劃演算法設計與Android平台上的實作 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 |
2011-08-01 | 2012-07-31 | 使用歷史與即時交通資訊之高效率車輛網路單點路由 | 國家科學委員會 | 531,000 |
2010-08-01 | 2011-07-31 | 反應式FHCoP-B快速換手的流程最佳化與效能分析 | 國家科學委員會 | 53,100 |
2009-08-01 | 2010-07-31 | 巢狀式行動網路下主動式與反應式FHCoP-B快速換手的架構設計與效能分析 | 國家科學委員會 | 612,000 |
2009-07-01 | 2010-02-28 | 修改NEPL程式,實作出HCoP-B架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 |
2009-02-01 | 2009-07-31 | 98年度資通訊課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 267,425 |
2008-08-01 | 2009-07-31 | 巢狀式行動網路下整合SIP、HCoP-B與第二層快速換手的跨層架構設計 | 國家科學委員會 | 623,000 |
2007-12-01 | 2009-01-31 | 96-97年度資通訊課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 750,000 |
2007-08-01 | 2008-07-31 | 巢狀式行動網路下的無縫式換手與多點群播研究 | 國家科學委員會 | 623,000 |
2006-09-01 | 2006-12-31 | 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫特定課程補助 | 教育部 | 84,000 |
2006-08-01 | 2007-07-31 | 支援路由最佳化、快速換手與多點傳送之階層式巢狀無線行動網路架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 511,000 |
2005-08-01 | 2006-07-31 | 第四代異質性無線網路下之階層式多媒體多點傳送同步架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 536,000 |
2004-08-01 | 2005-07-31 | 異質性無線網路上支援多媒體快速換手的階層式多點傳送SIP協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 617,600 |
2003-08-01 | 2005-07-31 | 異質性無線網路上多媒體服務品質之確保 | 國家科學委員會 | 610,300 |
2003-07-13 | 2004-02-28 | 使用行動通訊裝置建構校園互動式多媒體資訊系統(92國科會大專生專 | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 |
2002-12-01 | 2003-12-31 | 中部科學園區推動計畫: 安全異質性接取網路之服務與應用 | 國家科學委員會 | 3,643,300 |
2002-08-01 | 2003-07-31 | 整合多媒體伺服器、代理伺服器與無線行動用戶的即時多媒體SMIL預載與排程架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 504,400 |
2002-07-01 | 2003-02-28 | 在無線網路PDA上之SMIL即時學習系統(91國科會大 | 國家科學委員會 | 0 |
2001-08-01 | 2002-07-31 | 支援SMIL多媒體即時同步遠距教學的動態網路調配平台 | 國家科學委員會 | 481,600 |
2001-07-01 | 2002-02-28 | PDA上SMIL多媒體無線通訊系統的開發與研究(90國科會大專生專題計畫) | 國家科學委員會 | 0 |
2000-08-01 | 2001-07-31 | 以SMIL為基礎的多媒體即時同步遠距教學 | 國家科學委員會 | 414,400 |
1999-08-01 | 2000-07-31 | 遠距教學環境中之多媒體即時同步資料流伺服器的研發 | 國家科學委員會 | 0 |
1998-11-01 | 1999-06-30 | 網際網路上「多媒體」「即時」遠距教學系統之研發(88大專生參與國科會計畫) | 國家科學委員會 | 48,000 |
1998-08-01 | 1999-07-31 | 應用於遠距教學中之全球資訊網多媒體同步技術的研發與實作 | 國家科學委員會 | 333,900 |
主持人 : 張家濟 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
2023-11-01 | 2024-10-31 | 具有多重無線通訊協定的超低功耗電子標籤之設計與實現 | 國科會 | 470,000 |
2022-11-01 | 2023-10-31 | 產學合作計畫-結合備用電源之多源能量採集器的無源無線感測裝置 | 國科會+奕傑電子股份有限公司 | 840,456 |
2022-11-01 | 0000-00-00 | 結合備用電源之多源能量採集器的無源無線感測裝置 | 國科會 | 590,000 |
2021-11-01 | 2023-01-31 | 設計並實現具備用電源的無線感測系統:結合能量採集器之即時監測血氧濃度、心率和遠紅外線熱傳感測器陣列 | 國科會 | 470,000 |
主持人 : 黃耀賢 教授 | ||||
開始時間 | 結束時間 | 計畫名稱 | 計畫單位 | 總金額 |
2023-08-01 | 0000-00-00 | 智慧化電腦斷層之自監督學習電腦輔助多組織標注與胰臟癌分級系統 | 國科會 | 724,000 |
2022-08-01 | 2023-07-31 | 智慧化電腦斷層影像之電腦輔助有效影像篩選與組織標注系統 | 科技部 | 635,000 |
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 | 發表人 |
2022-04-11 | One-Stage Pulmonary Nodule Detection using 3-D DCNN with Feature Fusion and Attention Mechanism in CT Image | COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE | 黃耀賢 |
2021-12-01 | The Design and Implementation of an Improved Lightweight BLASTP on CUDA GPU | Symmetry-Basel | 伍朝欽 |
2021-10-01 | A Dynamical Simplified Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Multi-objective Annual Crop Planning Problem Conserving Groundwater for Sustainability | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 鄧德雋 |
2021-07-01 | IEEE 802.11ba: Low-Power Wake-Up Radio for Green IoT | IEEE Communications Magazine | 鄧德雋 |
2021-04-01 | A High-Performance Bidirectional Architecture for the Quasi-Comparison-Free Sorting Algorithm | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers | 陳仁德 |
2021-01-25 | The Energy-Aware Multi-UAV Dispatch and Handoff Algorithm for Maximizing the Event Communication Time in Disasters | Applied Sciences | 張英超 |
2021-01-01 | A lightweight BLASTP and its implementation on CUDA GPUs | Journal of Supercomputing | 伍朝欽 |
2020-12-25 | The Survivable RBCMLSA Problem on EONs | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | 丁德榮 |
2020-12-01 | The Recursive Multiplexer Based Multipliers | International Journal of Electronics Letters | 陳伯岳 |
2020-09-02 | Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems with Heterogeneous Vehicles and Roadside Units | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2020-06-10 | Design and Implementation of an Internet-of-Things Roadside Parking System based on Raspberry Pi 3 and Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Sensor Network | Sensors and Materials | 張英超 |
2020-03-05 | Delay-variation Constrained Spectrum Extraction and Contraction Problem for Multipath Routing on Elastic Optical Network | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | 丁德榮 |
2019-12-15 | Spectrum Expansion/Contraction and Survivable Routing and Spectrum Assignment problems on EONs with time-varying traffic | Computer Communications | 丁德榮 |
2019-12-01 | The RBCMLSA problem on space division multiplexing elastic optical networks | Optical Fiber Technology | 丁德榮 |
2019-08-01 | Performance analysis of multi-channel MAC with single transceiver for the next generation WLAN | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2019-08-01 | Throughput Analysis of 3GPP Licensed-Assisted Access Using Multiple Carriers | Mobile Networks and Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2019-06-05 | The Recursive Multiplexer Based Multipliers | International Journal of Electronics Letters (EI) | 陳伯岳 |
2019-06-01 | Low Latency Radio Access in 3GPP Local Access Data Networks for V2X: Stochastic Optimization and Learning | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2019-03-01 | Two-Phase PFAC Algorithm for Multiple Patterns Matching on CUDA GPUs | Electronics | 賴聯福 |
2019-02-06 | Designing a Dynamic Carpooling System Integrated with the VANET-based Route-Planning Algorithm | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | 張英超 |
2019-02-01 | Designing a Dynamic Carpooling System Integrated with the VANET-based Route-Planning Algorithm | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | 張英超 |
2019-01-01 | Design and Implementation of an Internet-of-Things Roadside Parking System based on Raspberry Pi 3 and Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Sensor Network | Sensors and Materials | 張英超 |
2018-12-20 | Latency-Optimal mmWave Radio Access for V2X Supporting Next Generation Driving Use Cases | IEEE Access | 鄧德雋 |
2018-12-15 | An Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Dual Stego-Image | International Journal of Computers and Applications(EI, ISSN: 1925-7074) | 蕭如淵、陳伯岳 |
2018-12-15 | An Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Dual Stego-Image | International Journal of Computers and Applications(EI, ISSN: 1925-7074) | 2. Ju-Yuan Hsiao, Ai-Chieh Pan and Po-Yueh Chen |
2018-12-15 | An Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Dual Stego-Image | International Journal of Computers and Applications(EI, ISSN: 1925-7074) | 2. Ju-Yuan Hsiao, Ai-Chieh Pan and Po-Yueh Chen |
2018-10-24 | An Integrated Credit-Based Incentive Protocol for Symbol-Level Network-Coded Cooperative Content Distribution among Vehicular Nodes | Applied Sciences | 張英超 |
2018-10-01 | Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems with Heterogeneous Vehicles and Roadside Units | IEEE Internet of Things Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2018-09-01 | On GPU Implementation of the Island Model Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem | Applied Sciences | 賴聯福 |
2018-08-16 | On Energy Saving in IEEE 802.11ax | IEEE Access | 鄧德雋 |
2018-08-01 | Optimum Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications in 5G New Radio | Mobile Networks and Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2018-07-01 | A Socially-Aware Trajectory-based Routing in Vehicular Social Networks | International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies (IJAIT) | 張英超 |
2018-06-01 | Optimal Charging Control of Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle of an Individual in the Internet of Energy with Energy Trading | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 鄧德雋 |
2018-05-17 | Energy-Optimal Edge Content Cache and Dissemination: Designs for Practical Network Deployment | IEEE Communications Magazine | 鄧德雋 |
2018-01-01 | An Integrated Credit-Based Incentive Protocol for Symbol-Level Network-Coded Cooperative Content Distribution among Vehicular Nodes | Applied Sciences | 張英超 |
2017-12-24 | Minimizing Electromagnetic Pollution and Power Consumption in Green Heterogeneous Small Cell Network Deployment | Computer Networks | 鄧德雋 |
2017-12-22 | A MapReduce-Based Ensemble Learning Method with Multiple Classifier Types and Diversity for Condition-based Maintenance with Concept Drifts | IEEE Cloud Computing | 鄧德雋 |
2017-12-13 | IEEE 802.11ax: Highly Efficient WLANs for Intelligent Information Infrastructure | IEEE Communications Magazine | 鄧德雋 |
2017-12-01 | QoS/QoE Support for H.264/AVC Video Stream in IEEE 802.11ac WLANs | IEEE Systems Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2017-12-01 | Vehicular Radio Access to Unlicensed Spectrum | IEEE Wireless Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2017-10-01 | Lifetime Enhancement of Dynamic Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy-Harvesting Sensors | Mobile Networks and Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2017-09-01 | On Number of Tags Estimation in RFID Systems | IEEE Systems Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2017-08-09 | Latency Control in Software Defined Cloud/Edge Vehicular Networking | IEEE Communications Magazine | 鄧德雋 |
2017-06-01 | Many-objective Sensor Selection in IoT Systems | IEEE Wireless Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2017-04-01 | Wireless Big Data Computing in Smart Grid | IEEE Wireless Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2017-04-01 | An Improved Histogram Modification Based Reversible Information Hiding Scheme | IETE Journal of Research (SCI, ISSN:0337-0263) | 蕭如淵、陳伯岳 |
2017-03-01 | Reversible Data Hiding Based on Pairwise Prediction-error Histogram | Journal of Information Science and Engineering (SCI, ISSN:1016-2364) | 蕭如淵、陳伯岳 |
2017-02-13 | Peak Load Shifting in the Internet of Energy with Energy Trading among End-users | IEEE Access | 鄧德雋 |
2017-02-01 | Energy-Efficient Placement and Sleep Control of Relay Nodes in Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks | Wireless Networks | 鄧德雋 |
2016-12-29 | Heuristic Optimization for Reliable Data Congestion Analytics in Crowdsourced eHealth Networks | IEEE Access | 鄧德雋 |
2016-12-01 | Forecasting Rare Faults of Critical Components in LED Epitaxy Plants Using a Hybrid Grey Forecasting and Harmony Search Approach | IEEE Transactions in Industrial Informatics | 鄧德雋 |
2016-12-01 | Real-Time Load Reduction in Multimedia Big Data for Mobile Internet | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2016-12-01 | Router Node Placement with Service Priority in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Simulated Annealing with Momentum Terms | IEEE Systems Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2016-12-01 | The social networking investigation of metadata of forensic artifacts of a typical WeChat session under Windows | Security and Communication Networks | 鄧德雋 |
2016-10-14 | Key Design of Driving Industry 4.0: Joint Energy-Efficient Deployment and Scheduling in Group-based Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks | IEEE Communications Magazine | 鄧德雋 |
2016-10-01 | Towards Trustworthy Crowdsourcing in Social Internet of Things | IEEE Wireless Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2016-08-24 | On Quality-of-Service Provisioning in IEEE 802.11ax WLANs | IEEE Access | 鄧德雋 |
2016-08-01 | Multilevel Codes with Hierarchical Set Partitioning | IETE Journal of Research (SCI, ISSN:0337-0263) | 陳伯岳 |
2016-07-01 | Automatic Zooming Mechanism for Capturing Clear Moving Object Image Using High Definition Fixed Camera | ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology(TACT) (EI, ISSN: 1738-9445) | 陳伯岳 |
2016-06-01 | Extending the Lifetime of Dynamic Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Using Multi-Population Harmony Search Algorithm | IEEE Sensors Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2016-06-01 | A Hybrid Face Recognition System Based on Multiple Facial Features | International Journal of Computers and Applications(EI, ISSN: 1925-7074) | 蕭如淵、陳伯岳 |
2016-05-01 | Social-aware Dynamic Router Node Placement in Wireless Mesh Networks | Wireless Networks | 鄧德雋 |
2016-04-07 | Range-based Localization Algorithm for Next Generation Wireless Networks using Radical Centers | IEEE Access | 鄧德雋 |
2016-01-02 | V2V QoS Guaranteed Channel Access in IEEE 802.11p VANETs | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing | 鄧德雋 |
2015-12-01 | A Pragmatic VBR Stream Scheduling Policy for IEEE 802.11e HCCA Access Method | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing | 鄧德雋 |
2015-12-01 | Optimal Two-Lane Placement for Hybrid VANET-Sensor Networks | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics | 鄧德雋 |
2015-12-01 | Infrastructure-less Cooperative Lane Positioning Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine | 鄧德雋 |
2015-11-01 | Genetic Algorithm for Virtual Topology Design on MLR WDM Networks | Optical Switching and Networking, vol.18, no.1, pp.20-34(SCI) | 丁德榮 |
2015-09-09 | A Cloud-Based Smart-Parking System Based on Internet of Things Technologies | IEEE Access | 鄧德雋 |
2015-08-01 | Efficient Packet Replication Control for a Geographical Routing Protocol in Sparse Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks | Scientia Iranica | 張英超 |
2015-07-01 | Improving the Mapping of Smith-Waterman Sequence Database Searches onto CUDA-Enabled GPUs | BioMed Research International | 賴聯福 |
2015-06-13 | "Virtual topology reconfiguration for mixed-line-rate optical WDM networks under dynamic traffic" | Photonic Network Communications (SCI) | 丁德榮 |
2015-06-01 | An Adaptive Data Hiding System Based on SMVQ | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) | 陳伯岳 |
2015-06-01 | Print and Scan Resistant Watermarking Scheme for Color Images | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) | 陳伯岳 |
2015-03-01 | Secret Communication Based on Quantization Tables | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) | 陳伯岳 |
2015-03-01 | A Verifiable and Secret Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol | IETE Technical Review (SCI, ISSN: 0256-4602) | 陳伯岳 |
2014-11-01 | LA-EEHSC: Learning Automata based Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Selective Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2014-11-01 | Congestion Control with Dynamic Threshold Adaptation and Cross-Layer Response for TCP Vegas over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks | International Journal of Communication Systems | 鄧德雋 |
2014-11-01 | An RDF-based P2P Overlay Network Supporting Range and Wildcard Queries | Journal of Network and Computer Application | 張英超 |
2014-10-01 | High throughput computing to improve efficiency of predicting protein stability change upon mutation | International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics | 賴聯福 |
2014-07-01 | Register Swapping Schemes for Low Power Execution | Microprocessors and Microsystems (SCI, ISSN: 0141-9331) | 陳伯岳 |
2014-05-01 | E-BEB: Enhanced Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm for Multi-hop Wireless Ad-hoc Networks | Wireless Personal Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2014-04-01 | An Improvement on the Self-Verification Authentication Mechanism for a Mobile Satellite Communication System | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS) | 張英超 |
2014-04-01 | Enhancing an AAA Scheme using ID-based Tickets with Anonymity in Future Mobile Communication | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS) | 張英超 |
2014-04-01 | Data Mining Application in Biomedical Informatics for Probing into Protein Stability upon Double Mutation | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences | 賴聯福 |
2014-03-01 | Modelling a Nurse Shift Schedule with Multiple Preference Ranks for Shifts and Days off | Mathematical Problems in Engineering | 鄧德雋 |
2014-03-01 | Dynamic Multi-Service Load Balancing in Cloud-based Multimedia System | IEEE Systems Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2014-02-01 | Real-Time Data Delivery Using Prediction Mechanism in Mobile Environments | Wireless Personal Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2014-01-01 | Multicast backup reprovisioning problem for Hamiltonian cycle-based protection on WDM networks | Optical Fiber Technology, 20 (1), 142-157(SCI) | 丁德榮 |
2014-01-01 | A Virtual Grouping Based Fault-Tolerant Scheme for Autonomous Networks | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence(EAAI) | 張英超 |
2014-01-01 | Mathematical Performance Analysis for HCoP-B Reactive Fast Handover Mechanisms for the Nested Mobile Networks | Engineering Computations | 張英超 |
2013-09-01 | A Self-Adaptive Fuzzy Search Engine | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences | 賴聯福 |
2013-07-01 | On Gender Differences in Consumer Behavior for Online Financial Transaction of Cosmetics | Mathematical and Computer Modelling | 鄧德雋 |
2013-07-01 | A Secure Ambulance Communication Protocol for VANET | Wireless Personal Communications | 張英超 |
2013-06-01 | Adaptive Channel Allocation Strategy for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks | Mathematical and Computer Modelling | 鄧德雋 |
2013-06-01 | The End-to-End QoS Guarantee Framework for Interworking WiMAX PMP and Mesh Networks with Internet | Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal | 張英超 |
2013-04-01 | On mapping the sorted-set intersection problem onto a graphics processing unit | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering | 賴聯福 |
2013-03-01 | An Adaptive Quantization Scheme for 2-D DWT | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) | 陳伯岳 |
2013-01-01 | Performance Analysis of Reactive FHCoP-B in Nested Mobile Networks | Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 284-287: Innovation for Applied Science and Technology | 張英超 |
2013-01-01 | On Design and Performance Evaluation of an Integrated SIP and HCoP-B Architecture for Nested Network Mobility | Computer Standards & Interfaces | 張英超 |
2013-01-01 | A VANET-based A* Route Planning Algorithm for Travelling Time- and Energy-Efficient GPS Navigation App | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks | 張英超 |
2012-10-01 | Performance Evaluation of Enhancement of the Layered Self-Scheduling Approach for Heterogeneous Multicore Cluster Systems | Journal of Supercomputing | 賴聯福 |
2012-09-01 | Secure Digital Content Distributing System on P2P Networks | Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (JEST) | 張英超 |
2012-06-01 | Efficient Uplink Scheduling Policy for VBR Traffic in IEEE 802.16 BWA Systems | International Journal of Communication Systems | 鄧德雋 |
2012-05-01 | Bitmask-Based Code Compression Methods for Balancing Power Consumption and Code Size for Hard Real-Time Embedded Systems | Microprocessors and Microsystems (SCI, ISSN: 0141-9331) | 伍朝欽、陳伯岳 |
2012-04-01 | Efficient Management of Fragmented Replica in Data Grids | International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing | 賴聯福 |
2012-04-01 | Using Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Programming to Optimize Communications in Parallel Loop Self-Scheduling Schemes for Multicore PC Clusters | Journal of Supercomputing | 賴聯福 |
2012-03-01 | Extending FuzzyCLIPS for Parallelizing Data-Dependent Fuzzy Expert Systems | Journal of Supercomputing | 賴聯福 |
2012-02-01 | Intersection-Based Routing for Urban Vehicular Communications with Traffic-Light Considerations | IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine | 張英超 |
2012-01-01 | The Predictive FHCoP-B Fast Handoff Scheme and its Performance Analysis for Nested Network Mobility | JDCTA: International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications | 張英超 |
2011-12-01 | Forward-Looking Forward Error Correction Mechanism for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks | IEEE Systems Journal | 鄧德雋 |
2011-11-01 | A fine-grained scheduling strategy for improving the performance of parallel frequent itemsets mining | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineerin | 賴聯福 |
2011-09-05 | Improved Markov Predictor in Wireless Networks | IET Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2011-09-01 | PSSB: Priority Enforced Slow Start Backoff Algorithm for Multimedia Transmission in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks | Journal of Network and Computer Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2011-09-01 | The Segmented Vertex Chain Code | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (SCI, EI, ISSN:0253-3839) | 陳伯岳 |
2011-09-01 | The Performance Impact of Different Master Nodes on Parallel Loop Self-Scheduling Schemes for Rule-based Expert Systems | Computer and Information Science | 賴聯福 |
2011-08-12 | Centralized Conference Key Mechanism with Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Lagrange Interpolation for Sensor Networks | IET Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2011-08-01 | First report of knowledge discovery in predicting protein folding rate change upon single mutation | Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics | 賴聯福 |
2011-07-29 | Live Data Mining concerning Social Networking Forensics based on a Facebook Session through Aggregation of Social Data | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2011-07-10 | Optimal Dynamic Framed Slotted Aloha Based Anti-collision Algorithm for RFID Systems | Wireless Personal Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2011-02-01 | A Collision Alleviation Scheme for IEEE 802.11p VANETs | Wireless Personal Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2011-01-01 | On Design of a Route-Optimized and Seamless HCoP-B Scheme for Nested Mobile Networks | International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN | 張英超 |
2011-01-01 | Statistical Performance Analysis of the Predictive Fast and Seamless Handoff Scheme for the Nested Mobile Network | Pakistan Journal of Statistics | 張英超 |
2010-12-01 | Parallel Processing for Fuzzy Queries in Human Resources Websites | Journal of Internet Technology | 賴聯福 |
2010-11-15 | On delay constrained CAC scheme and scheduling policy for CBR traffic in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 鄧德雋 |
2010-10-01 | Human-readable rule generator for integrating amino acid sequence information and stability of mutant proteins | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics | 賴聯福 |
2010-09-01 | A Novel Parallel Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining with Privacy Preserved in Cloud Computing Environments | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing | 鄧德雋 |
2010-08-01 | Predicting Protein Stability Change upon Double Mutation from Partial Sequence Information Using Data Mining Approach | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 賴聯福 |
2010-08-01 | Development of knowledge based system for predicting the stability of proteins upon point mutations | Neurocomputing | 賴聯福 |
2010-05-01 | Fuzzy Knowledge Management through Knowledge Engineering and Fuzzy Logic | Journal of Convergence Information Technology | 賴聯福 |
2010-04-01 | Quality-Aware Bandwidth Allocation for Scalable On-Demand Streaming in Wireless Networks | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2010-04-01 | Designing a Parallel Fuzzy Expert System Programming Model with Adaptive Load Balancing Capability for Cloud Computing | Journal of Computers | 賴聯福 |
2010-03-01 | Sub-Packet Forward Error Correction Mechanism for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks | Multimedia Tools and Applications | 鄧德雋 |
2010-01-01 | HSMM: Hierarchical Synchronized Multimedia Multicast for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks | Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering | 張英超 |
2010-01-01 | A two-step method for clustering mixed categorical and numeric data | Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering | 賴聯福 |
2009-11-01 | A Fuzzy Query Mechanism for Human Resource Websites | Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence | 賴聯福 |
2009-10-01 | A Cross-Layer Congestion and Contention Window Control Scheme for TCP Performance Improvement in Wireless LANs | Telecommunication Systems | 鄧德雋 |
2009-10-01 | A fuzzy query method based on human-readable rules for predicting protein stability changes | The Open Structural Biology Journal | 賴聯福 |
2009-09-01 | Developing the KMKE knowledge management system based on design patterns and parallel processing | Lecture Notes in Computer Science | 賴聯福 |
2009-08-01 | Saturation Throughput Analysis of Multi-rate IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing | 鄧德雋 |
2009-07-06 | An Adaptive Multi-hop FEC Protection Scheme for Enhancing the QoS of Video Streaming Transmission over Wireless Mesh Networks | International Journal of Communication System | 鄧德雋 |
2009-07-01 | HCoP-B: A Hierarchical Care-of Prefix with BUT Scheme for Nested Mobile Networks | IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology | |
2009-04-01 | Towards automatic load balancing for programming parallel fuzzy expert systems in heterogeneous clusters | Journal of Internet Technology | 賴聯福 |
2009-02-01 | Delay Constrained Up-link Scheduling Policy for rtPS/ertPS Service in IEEE 802.16e BWA Systems | International Journal of Communication Systems | 鄧德雋 |
2008-12-22 | Contention Window Optimization for IEEE 802.11 DCF Access Control | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2008-12-01 | Seamless Handoff Support for Real-Time Multimedia Applications in Nested Mobile Networks | LNCS 5353 | 張英超 |
2008-12-01 | Developing SPMD-based CLIPS Applications by Using External Function Definitions for Grid Systems | International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies | 賴聯福 |
2008-11-01 | A Study of Designing a Grid-Enabled Expert System Language | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers | 賴聯福 |
2008-10-01 | Sequence based prediction of protein mutant stability and discrimination of thermophilic proteins | Lectures Notes in Bioinformatics | 賴聯福 |
2008-02-01 | An artificial intelligence approach to course timetabling | International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools | 賴聯福 |
2007-12-01 | An End-to-End QoS Adaptation Architecture for the Integrated IntServ and DiffServ Networks | LNCS 4809 | 張英超 |
2007-12-01 | On the Design of Micro-mobility for Mobile Network | LNCS 4809 | 張英超 |
2007-10-01 | A knowledge engineering approach to knowledge management | Information Sciences | 賴聯福 |
2007-08-01 | A Hierarchical Care-of Prefix with BUT Scheme for Nested Mobile Networks | LNCS 4742 | 張英超 |
2007-08-01 | Dynamic Handover Mechanism Using Mobile SCTP in Contention Based Wireless Network | LNCS 4742 | 張英超 |
2007-03-01 | HCoP-B行動網路架構 | Communications of IICM | 張英超 |
2006-08-01 | An Area-Based Vertical Motion Estimation on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | LNCS 4138 | 張英超 |
2006-08-01 | Integrated Multi-layer Registration Combining SIP with Mobile IP Schemes | LNCS 4138 | 張英超 |
2006-01-01 | Hierarchical Synchronized Multimedia Multicast for Mobile Hosts in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | LNCS 3961 | 張英超 |
2006-01-01 | Mobile Multimedia Supports with Hierarchical Multicast SIP Framework on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal: Special Issue on Advances and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks and Systems | 張英超 |
2005-11-01 | University Timetabling through Conceptual Modeling | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 賴聯福 |
2005-06-01 | Quality-of-Service Provision System for Multimedia Transmission in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | 鄧德雋 |
2005-03-01 | ATF: An Adaptive Three-Layer Framework for Inter-Stream Synchronization of SMIL Multimedia Presentations | Journal of Systems and Software: Special Issue on Adaptive Multimedia Computing | 張英超 |
2004-01-01 | On Design of the Hierarchical Multicast SIP for Multimedia Fast Handoff on 3G Wireless Networks | Journal of Internet Technology | 張英超 |
2004-01-01 | Synchronized Mobile Multicast Support for Real-Time Multimedia Services | IEICE Trans. on Communications: Special Issue on Networking Technologies for Mobile Internet Systems | 張英超 |
2003-09-01 | A QoS-Guaranteed Prefetching Protocol for Streaming VBR Videos to Resource-Limited Mobile Clients Over Wireless ATM Networks | The Journal of Chaoyang University of Technology | 張英超 |
2002-03-01 | A high-level petri nets based approach to verifying task structures | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering | 賴聯福 |
2002-01-01 | The Adaptive Feedback Scheduling Framework for Streaming VBR Videos with Wireless ATM ABR Service | LNCS 2532 | 張英超 |
2001-09-01 | Automating course scheduling based on artificial intelligence and database systems | Journal of Computers | 賴聯福 |
2000-12-01 | Task-based conceptual graphs as a basis for automating software development | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 賴聯福 |
2000-09-01 | A nonpreemptive priority-based access control scheme for broadband ad hoc wireless ATM local area networks | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications | 鄧德雋 |
1999-11-01 | A Multimedia World Wide Web Based Conference Minute System for Group Collaboration | International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications | 張英超 |
1999-09-01 | A Priority Scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF Access Method | IEICE Transactions on Communications | 鄧德雋 |
1999-04-01 | Fuzzy logic as a basis for reusing task-based specifications | International Journal of Intelligent Systems | 賴聯福 |
1998-06-01 | A new approach to verifying conceptual models | Journal of Information Science and Engineering | 賴聯福 |
1998-02-01 | Verifying task-based specifications in conceptual graphs | Information and Software Technology | 賴聯福 |
1997-08-01 | Design and Implementation of Important Applications in a Java-Based Multimedia Digital Classroom | IEEE Trans. On Consumer Electronics | 張英超 |
1997-06-01 | Design and Implementation of a Multimedia WWW-Based Note-Taking System for Distance Learning | Proc. of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE ‘97) | 張英超 |
1996-08-01 | Task-based specifications through conceptual graphs | IEEE Expert | 賴聯福 |
1996-01-01 | Design and Implementation of a Multimedia CSCW Platform | International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications | 張英超 |
1994-11-01 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Computer Supported Cooperative Work Systems | IEEE Trans. On Consumer Electronics | 張英超 |
發表人 : 陳伯岳 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2020-12-01 | The Recursive Multiplexer Based Multipliers | International Journal of Electronics Letters |
2019-06-05 | The Recursive Multiplexer Based Multipliers | International Journal of Electronics Letters (EI) |
2016-08-01 | Multilevel Codes with Hierarchical Set Partitioning | IETE Journal of Research (SCI, ISSN:0337-0263) |
2016-07-01 | Automatic Zooming Mechanism for Capturing Clear Moving Object Image Using High Definition Fixed Camera | ICACT Transactions on Advanced Communications Technology(TACT) (EI, ISSN: 1738-9445) |
2015-06-01 | An Adaptive Data Hiding System Based on SMVQ | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) |
2015-06-01 | Print and Scan Resistant Watermarking Scheme for Color Images | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) |
2015-03-01 | Secret Communication Based on Quantization Tables | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) |
2015-03-01 | A Verifiable and Secret Buyer-Seller Watermarking Protocol | IETE Technical Review (SCI, ISSN: 0256-4602) |
2014-07-01 | Register Swapping Schemes for Low Power Execution | Microprocessors and Microsystems (SCI, ISSN: 0141-9331) |
2013-03-01 | An Adaptive Quantization Scheme for 2-D DWT | The International Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (ISSN: 1727-2394) |
2011-09-01 | The Segmented Vertex Chain Code | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (SCI, EI, ISSN:0253-3839) |
發表人 : 詹益禎 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
發表人 : 易昶霈 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
發表人 : 陳仁德 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2021-04-01 | A High-Performance Bidirectional Architecture for the Quasi-Comparison-Free Sorting Algorithm | IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers |
發表人 : 施明毅 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
發表人 : 賴聯福 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2019-03-01 | Two-Phase PFAC Algorithm for Multiple Patterns Matching on CUDA GPUs | Electronics |
2018-09-01 | On GPU Implementation of the Island Model Genetic Algorithm for Solving the Unequal Area Facility Layout Problem | Applied Sciences |
2015-07-01 | Improving the Mapping of Smith-Waterman Sequence Database Searches onto CUDA-Enabled GPUs | BioMed Research International |
2014-10-01 | High throughput computing to improve efficiency of predicting protein stability change upon mutation | International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics |
2014-04-01 | Data Mining Application in Biomedical Informatics for Probing into Protein Stability upon Double Mutation | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences |
2013-09-01 | A Self-Adaptive Fuzzy Search Engine | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences |
2013-04-01 | On mapping the sorted-set intersection problem onto a graphics processing unit | Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering |
2012-10-01 | Performance Evaluation of Enhancement of the Layered Self-Scheduling Approach for Heterogeneous Multicore Cluster Systems | Journal of Supercomputing |
2012-04-01 | Efficient Management of Fragmented Replica in Data Grids | International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing |
2012-04-01 | Using Hybrid MPI and OpenMP Programming to Optimize Communications in Parallel Loop Self-Scheduling Schemes for Multicore PC Clusters | Journal of Supercomputing |
2012-03-01 | Extending FuzzyCLIPS for Parallelizing Data-Dependent Fuzzy Expert Systems | Journal of Supercomputing |
2011-11-01 | A fine-grained scheduling strategy for improving the performance of parallel frequent itemsets mining | International Journal of Computational Science and Engineerin |
2011-09-01 | The Performance Impact of Different Master Nodes on Parallel Loop Self-Scheduling Schemes for Rule-based Expert Systems | Computer and Information Science |
2011-08-01 | First report of knowledge discovery in predicting protein folding rate change upon single mutation | Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics |
2010-12-01 | Parallel Processing for Fuzzy Queries in Human Resources Websites | Journal of Internet Technology |
2010-10-01 | Human-readable rule generator for integrating amino acid sequence information and stability of mutant proteins | IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics |
2010-08-01 | Predicting Protein Stability Change upon Double Mutation from Partial Sequence Information Using Data Mining Approach | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2010-08-01 | Development of knowledge based system for predicting the stability of proteins upon point mutations | Neurocomputing |
2010-05-01 | Fuzzy Knowledge Management through Knowledge Engineering and Fuzzy Logic | Journal of Convergence Information Technology |
2010-04-01 | Designing a Parallel Fuzzy Expert System Programming Model with Adaptive Load Balancing Capability for Cloud Computing | Journal of Computers |
2010-01-01 | A two-step method for clustering mixed categorical and numeric data | Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering |
2009-11-01 | A Fuzzy Query Mechanism for Human Resource Websites | Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence |
2009-10-01 | A fuzzy query method based on human-readable rules for predicting protein stability changes | The Open Structural Biology Journal |
2009-09-01 | Developing the KMKE knowledge management system based on design patterns and parallel processing | Lecture Notes in Computer Science |
2009-04-01 | Towards automatic load balancing for programming parallel fuzzy expert systems in heterogeneous clusters | Journal of Internet Technology |
2008-12-01 | Developing SPMD-based CLIPS Applications by Using External Function Definitions for Grid Systems | International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies |
2008-11-01 | A Study of Designing a Grid-Enabled Expert System Language | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers |
2008-10-01 | Sequence based prediction of protein mutant stability and discrimination of thermophilic proteins | Lectures Notes in Bioinformatics |
2008-02-01 | An artificial intelligence approach to course timetabling | International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools |
2007-10-01 | A knowledge engineering approach to knowledge management | Information Sciences |
2005-11-01 | University Timetabling through Conceptual Modeling | International Journal of Intelligent Systems |
2002-03-01 | A high-level petri nets based approach to verifying task structures | IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering |
2001-09-01 | Automating course scheduling based on artificial intelligence and database systems | Journal of Computers |
2000-12-01 | Task-based conceptual graphs as a basis for automating software development | International Journal of Intelligent Systems |
1999-04-01 | Fuzzy logic as a basis for reusing task-based specifications | International Journal of Intelligent Systems |
1998-06-01 | A new approach to verifying conceptual models | Journal of Information Science and Engineering |
1998-02-01 | Verifying task-based specifications in conceptual graphs | Information and Software Technology |
1996-08-01 | Task-based specifications through conceptual graphs | IEEE Expert |
發表人 : 蕭如淵 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
發表人 : 丁德榮 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2020-12-25 | The Survivable RBCMLSA Problem on EONs | Journal of Information Science and Engineering |
2020-03-05 | Delay-variation Constrained Spectrum Extraction and Contraction Problem for Multipath Routing on Elastic Optical Network | Journal of Information Science and Engineering |
2019-12-15 | Spectrum Expansion/Contraction and Survivable Routing and Spectrum Assignment problems on EONs with time-varying traffic | Computer Communications |
2019-12-01 | The RBCMLSA problem on space division multiplexing elastic optical networks | Optical Fiber Technology |
2015-11-01 | Genetic Algorithm for Virtual Topology Design on MLR WDM Networks | Optical Switching and Networking, vol.18, no.1, pp.20-34(SCI) |
2015-06-13 | "Virtual topology reconfiguration for mixed-line-rate optical WDM networks under dynamic traffic" | Photonic Network Communications (SCI) |
2014-01-01 | Multicast backup reprovisioning problem for Hamiltonian cycle-based protection on WDM networks | Optical Fiber Technology, 20 (1), 142-157(SCI) |
發表人 : 鄧德雋 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2021-10-01 | A Dynamical Simplified Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the Multi-objective Annual Crop Planning Problem Conserving Groundwater for Sustainability | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
2021-07-01 | IEEE 802.11ba: Low-Power Wake-Up Radio for Green IoT | IEEE Communications Magazine |
2020-09-02 | Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems with Heterogeneous Vehicles and Roadside Units | IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
2019-08-01 | Performance analysis of multi-channel MAC with single transceiver for the next generation WLAN | Journal of Network and Computer Applications |
2019-08-01 | Throughput Analysis of 3GPP Licensed-Assisted Access Using Multiple Carriers | Mobile Networks and Applications |
2019-06-01 | Low Latency Radio Access in 3GPP Local Access Data Networks for V2X: Stochastic Optimization and Learning | IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
2018-12-20 | Latency-Optimal mmWave Radio Access for V2X Supporting Next Generation Driving Use Cases | IEEE Access |
2018-10-01 | Resource Allocation in Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems with Heterogeneous Vehicles and Roadside Units | IEEE Internet of Things Journal |
2018-08-16 | On Energy Saving in IEEE 802.11ax | IEEE Access |
2018-08-01 | Optimum Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications in 5G New Radio | Mobile Networks and Applications |
2018-06-01 | Optimal Charging Control of Energy Storage and Electric Vehicle of an Individual in the Internet of Energy with Energy Trading | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics |
2018-05-17 | Energy-Optimal Edge Content Cache and Dissemination: Designs for Practical Network Deployment | IEEE Communications Magazine |
2017-12-24 | Minimizing Electromagnetic Pollution and Power Consumption in Green Heterogeneous Small Cell Network Deployment | Computer Networks |
2017-12-22 | A MapReduce-Based Ensemble Learning Method with Multiple Classifier Types and Diversity for Condition-based Maintenance with Concept Drifts | IEEE Cloud Computing |
2017-12-13 | IEEE 802.11ax: Highly Efficient WLANs for Intelligent Information Infrastructure | IEEE Communications Magazine |
2017-12-01 | QoS/QoE Support for H.264/AVC Video Stream in IEEE 802.11ac WLANs | IEEE Systems Journal |
2017-12-01 | Vehicular Radio Access to Unlicensed Spectrum | IEEE Wireless Communications |
2017-10-01 | Lifetime Enhancement of Dynamic Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks with Energy-Harvesting Sensors | Mobile Networks and Applications |
2017-09-01 | On Number of Tags Estimation in RFID Systems | IEEE Systems Journal |
2017-08-09 | Latency Control in Software Defined Cloud/Edge Vehicular Networking | IEEE Communications Magazine |
2017-06-01 | Many-objective Sensor Selection in IoT Systems | IEEE Wireless Communications |
2017-04-01 | Wireless Big Data Computing in Smart Grid | IEEE Wireless Communications |
2017-02-13 | Peak Load Shifting in the Internet of Energy with Energy Trading among End-users | IEEE Access |
2017-02-01 | Energy-Efficient Placement and Sleep Control of Relay Nodes in Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks | Wireless Networks |
2016-12-29 | Heuristic Optimization for Reliable Data Congestion Analytics in Crowdsourced eHealth Networks | IEEE Access |
2016-12-01 | Forecasting Rare Faults of Critical Components in LED Epitaxy Plants Using a Hybrid Grey Forecasting and Harmony Search Approach | IEEE Transactions in Industrial Informatics |
2016-12-01 | Real-Time Load Reduction in Multimedia Big Data for Mobile Internet | ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications |
2016-12-01 | Router Node Placement with Service Priority in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Simulated Annealing with Momentum Terms | IEEE Systems Journal |
2016-12-01 | The social networking investigation of metadata of forensic artifacts of a typical WeChat session under Windows | Security and Communication Networks |
2016-10-14 | Key Design of Driving Industry 4.0: Joint Energy-Efficient Deployment and Scheduling in Group-based Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks | IEEE Communications Magazine |
2016-10-01 | Towards Trustworthy Crowdsourcing in Social Internet of Things | IEEE Wireless Communications |
2016-08-24 | On Quality-of-Service Provisioning in IEEE 802.11ax WLANs | IEEE Access |
2016-06-01 | Extending the Lifetime of Dynamic Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks Using Multi-Population Harmony Search Algorithm | IEEE Sensors Journal |
2016-05-01 | Social-aware Dynamic Router Node Placement in Wireless Mesh Networks | Wireless Networks |
2016-04-07 | Range-based Localization Algorithm for Next Generation Wireless Networks using Radical Centers | IEEE Access |
2016-01-02 | V2V QoS Guaranteed Channel Access in IEEE 802.11p VANETs | IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing |
2015-12-01 | A Pragmatic VBR Stream Scheduling Policy for IEEE 802.11e HCCA Access Method | IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing |
2015-12-01 | Optimal Two-Lane Placement for Hybrid VANET-Sensor Networks | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics |
2015-12-01 | Infrastructure-less Cooperative Lane Positioning Based on Vehicular Sensor Networks | IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine |
2015-09-09 | A Cloud-Based Smart-Parking System Based on Internet of Things Technologies | IEEE Access |
2014-11-01 | LA-EEHSC: Learning Automata based Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Selective Clustering for Wireless Sensor Networks | Journal of Network and Computer Applications |
2014-11-01 | Congestion Control with Dynamic Threshold Adaptation and Cross-Layer Response for TCP Vegas over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks | International Journal of Communication Systems |
2014-05-01 | E-BEB: Enhanced Binary Exponential Backoff Algorithm for Multi-hop Wireless Ad-hoc Networks | Wireless Personal Communications |
2014-03-01 | Modelling a Nurse Shift Schedule with Multiple Preference Ranks for Shifts and Days off | Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2014-03-01 | Dynamic Multi-Service Load Balancing in Cloud-based Multimedia System | IEEE Systems Journal |
2014-02-01 | Real-Time Data Delivery Using Prediction Mechanism in Mobile Environments | Wireless Personal Communications |
2013-07-01 | On Gender Differences in Consumer Behavior for Online Financial Transaction of Cosmetics | Mathematical and Computer Modelling |
2013-06-01 | Adaptive Channel Allocation Strategy for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks | Mathematical and Computer Modelling |
2012-06-01 | Efficient Uplink Scheduling Policy for VBR Traffic in IEEE 802.16 BWA Systems | International Journal of Communication Systems |
2011-12-01 | Forward-Looking Forward Error Correction Mechanism for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks | IEEE Systems Journal |
2011-09-05 | Improved Markov Predictor in Wireless Networks | IET Communications |
2011-09-01 | PSSB: Priority Enforced Slow Start Backoff Algorithm for Multimedia Transmission in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks | Journal of Network and Computer Applications |
2011-08-12 | Centralized Conference Key Mechanism with Elliptic Curve Cryptography and Lagrange Interpolation for Sensor Networks | IET Communications |
2011-07-29 | Live Data Mining concerning Social Networking Forensics based on a Facebook Session through Aggregation of Social Data | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
2011-07-10 | Optimal Dynamic Framed Slotted Aloha Based Anti-collision Algorithm for RFID Systems | Wireless Personal Communications |
2011-02-01 | A Collision Alleviation Scheme for IEEE 802.11p VANETs | Wireless Personal Communications |
2010-11-15 | On delay constrained CAC scheme and scheduling policy for CBR traffic in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing |
2010-09-01 | A Novel Parallel Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining with Privacy Preserved in Cloud Computing Environments | International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing |
2010-04-01 | Quality-Aware Bandwidth Allocation for Scalable On-Demand Streaming in Wireless Networks | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
2010-03-01 | Sub-Packet Forward Error Correction Mechanism for Video Streaming over Wireless Networks | Multimedia Tools and Applications |
2009-10-01 | A Cross-Layer Congestion and Contention Window Control Scheme for TCP Performance Improvement in Wireless LANs | Telecommunication Systems |
2009-08-01 | Saturation Throughput Analysis of Multi-rate IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks | Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing |
2009-07-06 | An Adaptive Multi-hop FEC Protection Scheme for Enhancing the QoS of Video Streaming Transmission over Wireless Mesh Networks | International Journal of Communication System |
2009-02-01 | Delay Constrained Up-link Scheduling Policy for rtPS/ertPS Service in IEEE 802.16e BWA Systems | International Journal of Communication Systems |
2008-12-22 | Contention Window Optimization for IEEE 802.11 DCF Access Control | IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications |
2005-06-01 | Quality-of-Service Provision System for Multimedia Transmission in IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
2000-09-01 | A nonpreemptive priority-based access control scheme for broadband ad hoc wireless ATM local area networks | IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications |
1999-09-01 | A Priority Scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF Access Method | IEICE Transactions on Communications |
發表人 : 伍朝欽 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2021-12-01 | The Design and Implementation of an Improved Lightweight BLASTP on CUDA GPU | Symmetry-Basel |
2021-01-01 | A lightweight BLASTP and its implementation on CUDA GPUs | Journal of Supercomputing |
發表人 : 張英超 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2021-01-25 | The Energy-Aware Multi-UAV Dispatch and Handoff Algorithm for Maximizing the Event Communication Time in Disasters | Applied Sciences |
2020-06-10 | Design and Implementation of an Internet-of-Things Roadside Parking System based on Raspberry Pi 3 and Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Sensor Network | Sensors and Materials |
2019-02-06 | Designing a Dynamic Carpooling System Integrated with the VANET-based Route-Planning Algorithm | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers |
2019-02-01 | Designing a Dynamic Carpooling System Integrated with the VANET-based Route-Planning Algorithm | Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers |
2019-01-01 | Design and Implementation of an Internet-of-Things Roadside Parking System based on Raspberry Pi 3 and Bluetooth Low Energy Mesh Sensor Network | Sensors and Materials |
2018-10-24 | An Integrated Credit-Based Incentive Protocol for Symbol-Level Network-Coded Cooperative Content Distribution among Vehicular Nodes | Applied Sciences |
2018-07-01 | A Socially-Aware Trajectory-based Routing in Vehicular Social Networks | International Journal of Advanced Information Technologies (IJAIT) |
2018-01-01 | An Integrated Credit-Based Incentive Protocol for Symbol-Level Network-Coded Cooperative Content Distribution among Vehicular Nodes | Applied Sciences |
2015-08-01 | Efficient Packet Replication Control for a Geographical Routing Protocol in Sparse Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks | Scientia Iranica |
2014-11-01 | An RDF-based P2P Overlay Network Supporting Range and Wildcard Queries | Journal of Network and Computer Application |
2014-04-01 | An Improvement on the Self-Verification Authentication Mechanism for a Mobile Satellite Communication System | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS) |
2014-04-01 | Enhancing an AAA Scheme using ID-based Tickets with Anonymity in Future Mobile Communication | Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS) |
2014-01-01 | A Virtual Grouping Based Fault-Tolerant Scheme for Autonomous Networks | Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence(EAAI) |
2014-01-01 | Mathematical Performance Analysis for HCoP-B Reactive Fast Handover Mechanisms for the Nested Mobile Networks | Engineering Computations |
2013-07-01 | A Secure Ambulance Communication Protocol for VANET | Wireless Personal Communications |
2013-06-01 | The End-to-End QoS Guarantee Framework for Interworking WiMAX PMP and Mesh Networks with Internet | Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal |
2013-01-01 | Performance Analysis of Reactive FHCoP-B in Nested Mobile Networks | Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vols. 284-287: Innovation for Applied Science and Technology |
2013-01-01 | On Design and Performance Evaluation of an Integrated SIP and HCoP-B Architecture for Nested Network Mobility | Computer Standards & Interfaces |
2013-01-01 | A VANET-based A* Route Planning Algorithm for Travelling Time- and Energy-Efficient GPS Navigation App | International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks |
2012-09-01 | Secure Digital Content Distributing System on P2P Networks | Journal of Electronic Science and Technology (JEST) |
2012-02-01 | Intersection-Based Routing for Urban Vehicular Communications with Traffic-Light Considerations | IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine |
2012-01-01 | The Predictive FHCoP-B Fast Handoff Scheme and its Performance Analysis for Nested Network Mobility | JDCTA: International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications |
2011-01-01 | On Design of a Route-Optimized and Seamless HCoP-B Scheme for Nested Mobile Networks | International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking (IJHPCN |
2011-01-01 | Statistical Performance Analysis of the Predictive Fast and Seamless Handoff Scheme for the Nested Mobile Network | Pakistan Journal of Statistics |
2010-01-01 | HSMM: Hierarchical Synchronized Multimedia Multicast for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks | Tamkang Journal of Science and Engineering |
2008-12-01 | Seamless Handoff Support for Real-Time Multimedia Applications in Nested Mobile Networks | LNCS 5353 |
2007-12-01 | An End-to-End QoS Adaptation Architecture for the Integrated IntServ and DiffServ Networks | LNCS 4809 |
2007-12-01 | On the Design of Micro-mobility for Mobile Network | LNCS 4809 |
2007-08-01 | A Hierarchical Care-of Prefix with BUT Scheme for Nested Mobile Networks | LNCS 4742 |
2007-08-01 | Dynamic Handover Mechanism Using Mobile SCTP in Contention Based Wireless Network | LNCS 4742 |
2007-03-01 | HCoP-B行動網路架構 | Communications of IICM |
2006-08-01 | An Area-Based Vertical Motion Estimation on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | LNCS 4138 |
2006-08-01 | Integrated Multi-layer Registration Combining SIP with Mobile IP Schemes | LNCS 4138 |
2006-01-01 | Hierarchical Synchronized Multimedia Multicast for Mobile Hosts in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | LNCS 3961 |
2006-01-01 | Mobile Multimedia Supports with Hierarchical Multicast SIP Framework on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | Computers and Electrical Engineering Journal: Special Issue on Advances and Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks and Systems |
2005-03-01 | ATF: An Adaptive Three-Layer Framework for Inter-Stream Synchronization of SMIL Multimedia Presentations | Journal of Systems and Software: Special Issue on Adaptive Multimedia Computing |
2004-01-01 | On Design of the Hierarchical Multicast SIP for Multimedia Fast Handoff on 3G Wireless Networks | Journal of Internet Technology |
2004-01-01 | Synchronized Mobile Multicast Support for Real-Time Multimedia Services | IEICE Trans. on Communications: Special Issue on Networking Technologies for Mobile Internet Systems |
2003-09-01 | A QoS-Guaranteed Prefetching Protocol for Streaming VBR Videos to Resource-Limited Mobile Clients Over Wireless ATM Networks | The Journal of Chaoyang University of Technology |
2002-01-01 | The Adaptive Feedback Scheduling Framework for Streaming VBR Videos with Wireless ATM ABR Service | LNCS 2532 |
1999-11-01 | A Multimedia World Wide Web Based Conference Minute System for Group Collaboration | International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications |
1997-08-01 | Design and Implementation of Important Applications in a Java-Based Multimedia Digital Classroom | IEEE Trans. On Consumer Electronics |
1997-06-01 | Design and Implementation of a Multimedia WWW-Based Note-Taking System for Distance Learning | Proc. of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE ‘97) |
1996-01-01 | Design and Implementation of a Multimedia CSCW Platform | International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications |
1994-11-01 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Computer Supported Cooperative Work Systems | IEEE Trans. On Consumer Electronics |
發表人 : 張家濟 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
發表人 : 黃耀賢 教授 | ||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 期刊名稱 |
2022-04-11 | One-Stage Pulmonary Nodule Detection using 3-D DCNN with Feature Fusion and Attention Mechanism in CT Image | COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE |
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2022-06-07 | A Computer-aided Diagnosis System-3-D SGE-SANet for Lung Nodule Classification on Low-dose Computed Tomography | A Computer-aided Diagnosis System-3-D SGE-SANet for Lung Nodule Classification on Low-dose Computed Tomography | 黃耀賢 |
2021-08-30 | The Effects of Baby Massage on Physical Development of Infant | 2021 IEEE International Conference on Social Science and Intelligent Management (SSIM 2021) | 張英超 |
2021-08-04 | 區塊鏈應用於電子病歷系統 | 2021 全國智慧運算會議 | 易昶霈 |
2021-03-01 | An Adaptive Reversible Data Hiding Scheme Using Dual Stego-Image | International Journal of Computers and Applications | 陳伯岳 |
2020-12-17 | A Blockchain-based ECG Healthcare Architecture for High Privacy Protection | 2020 International Computer Symposium -ICS 2020 | 伍朝欽 |
2020-12-12 | Developing an Interactive Mobile Application for Cyclists Using Machine Learning and Intelligent Analysis. | The 31th International Conference on Information Management | 伍朝欽、賴聯福 |
2020-12-12 | A Pet Information Integration System using Deep Learning and Expert Systems | The 31th International Conference on Information Management | 伍朝欽、賴聯福 |
2020-12-03 | 具協同過濾推薦和模糊查詢功能的電腦組裝系統 | The 25th Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence | 賴聯福 |
2020-11-13 | An Artificial Intelligence-based Proactive Bus Blind Spot Warning System for Motorcycles | IEEE International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control-IS3C 2020 | 張英超 |
2020-10-27 | The Energy-Aware Multi-UAV Dispatch and Handoff Algorithm for Maximizing the Event Communication Time in Disasters | The 9th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2020-IMETI2020 | 張英超 |
2020-09-07 | Nutritional Education and Promotion Healthy Eating Behaviors of Preschool Children through Computer Games | 1st International Workshop on Technology of AI and Wireless Advanced Networking: Dependable Computing and Communication (TAIWAN-DCC), Munich, Germany, 7-10 September 2020 | 張英超 |
2020-05-27 | 彰化縣政府非學校型態實驗教育申請暨審議系統建置與效益評估 | 2020年資訊科技應用學術研討會 | 陳伯岳 |
2020-05-01 | 基於電腦視覺影像色相強度剎車燈偵測 | 資訊教育與科技應用研討會-IETAC 2020 | 陳伯岳 |
2019-08-01 | 結合藍牙室內定位與導航的O2O線上到線下營銷系統 | 第二十四屆行動計算研討會(MC2019) | 張英超 |
2019-06-14 | WebQuest教學法對國中生學習動機與學習成就之影響 -以十二年國教資訊科技課程為例 | 智慧生活科技研討會(ILT2019) | 陳伯岳 |
2018-08-02 | Performance Evaluation for the E-Learning System with On-line Social Support | The 17th International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering (IKE'18) | 張英超 |
2018-06-01 | 最大化兩層式無人機-車輛隨意網路生命期間之能量感知無人機派遣演算法 | 2018網路與資訊安全研討會 | 張英超 |
2018-04-01 | Design and Implement an IoT Roadside Parking System based on Raspberry Pi 3 and BLE Mesh Network | The 4th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2018 (IEEE ICASI 2018) | 張英超 |
2017-12-14 | Power Saving in 5G Unlicensed Band | National Computer Symposium (NCS 2017) | 鄧德雋 |
2017-12-04 | Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.11ax UL OFDMA-Based Random Access Mechanism | IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2017) | 鄧德雋 |
2017-12-04 | Efficient Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications and Massive Machine-Type Communications in 5G New Radio | IEEE Global Communications Conference (IEEE GLOBECOM 2017) | 鄧德雋 |
2017-11-08 | SATR: Socially-Aware Trajectory-based Routing in Vehicular Social Networks | 2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology (iCAST 2017) | 張英超 |
2017-10-10 | Detecting Hierarchical and Overlapping Community Structures in Social Networks Using a One-stage Memetic Algorithm | 12th EAI International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2017) | 鄧德雋 |
2017-10-05 | NTR: an Efficient Trajectory-based Routing Protocol for the Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks | 2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics | 張英超 |
2017-10-01 | 以Pi 3建構BLE網狀網路的路邊停車系統 | TANET 2017 臺灣網際網路研討會 | 張英超 |
2017-08-01 | Socially-Aware Trajectory-based Routing in Vehicular Social Networks | 第二十二屆行動計算研討會(MC2017) | 張英超 |
2017-04-01 | 車載社群網路中一個擁有社會意識以軌跡為基礎的路由協定 | 11th International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies | 張英超 |
2016-10-28 | SocialCode: A Credit-based Incentive Protocol to Stimulate Network-Coded Cooperative Content Distribution for Vehicular Nodes | the Fifth International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation (IMETI2016) | 張英超 |
2016-10-09 | On Design of A Dynamic Carpooling System Based on Vehicle Information Shared Through the VANET | 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC) | 張英超 |
2016-08-01 | 車輛社群網路上具社會意識的軌跡路由協定 | MC 2016 第二十一屆行動計算研討會 | 張英超 |
2016-08-01 | MatchPon: 優惠媒合平台 | MC 2016 第二十一屆行動計算研討會 | 張英超 |
2016-04-01 | 基於車輛網路分享的車輛資訊之動態共乘系統 | International Conference on Advanced Information Technologies (AIT) | 張英超 |
2015-08-01 | 基於車載網路路況分享之Ubike任你騎App | MC 2015 第二十屆行動計算研討會 | 張英超 |
2015-07-01 | Novel Trajectory Routing for Efficient Controlled Replication in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network | the International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ISCEAS) | 張英超 |
2015-06-01 | 基於車輛網路分享的車輛資訊所設計的動態共乘系統,” 2015數位科技與創新管理研討會 | 華梵大學 | 張英超 |
2015-05-01 | Design of the Intelligent Queueing Algorithm for Restaurant Customer Scheduling and Its Android APP Implementation | 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015) | 張英超 |
2014-12-12 | Contention Window Size Optimization in Dense but Unsaturated IEEE 802.11ac WLANs | International Computer Symposium (ICS 2014) | 鄧德雋 |
2014-10-01 | An Efficient Two-Mode Routing Protocol in Dense and Sparse Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks | 2014 International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation (ICETI2014) | 張英超 |
2014-10-01 | 智慧型餐廳排隊點餐IQA演算法與Android APP實作 | TANET 2014 臺灣網際網路研討會 | 張英超 |
2014-08-18 | IEEE 802.11ax: Next Generation Wireless Local Area Networks | 10th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliility, Security and Robustness (Qshine 2014) | 鄧德雋 |
2014-08-14 | A Bat-inspired Algorithm for Router Node Placement with Weighted Clients in Wireless Mesh Networks | 9th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (Chinacom 2014) | 鄧德雋 |
2014-07-01 | A Credit-based Incentive Protocol for Stimulating Network-Coded Cooperative Content Distribution in VANET | 2014 Eighth International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS-2014) | 張英超 |
2013-12-01 | 以信用激勵網路編碼使用於合作式內容分享 | NCS 2013 全國計算機會議 | 張英超 |
2013-10-01 | 基於車輛網路動態路徑規劃之節能共乘配對演算法與Android平台上的實作 | TANET 2013 | 張英超 |
2013-08-01 | 車輛容忍延遲網路下高效率控制封包複製的軌跡路由協定 | The 18th Mobile Computing Workshop | 張英超 |
2013-07-01 | Design and Implementation of the Travelling Time- and Energy-Efficient Android GPS Navigation App with the VANET-based A* Route Planning Algorithm | The 2013 International Symposium on Biometrics and Security Technologies (ISBAST'13) | 張英超 |
2013-05-01 | 以信用激勵不同自私與興趣程度之車輛節點使用網路編碼於合作式內容分享 | 2013 ISC 第七屆智慧型系統工程應用研討會 | 張英超 |
2013-04-07 | A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Detecting Hierarchical and Overlapping Community Structure in Dynamic Social Networks | IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC 2013) | 鄧德雋 |
2013-04-01 | Preference-aware Object Retrieval in Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks | IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) | 張英超 |
2012-12-12 | Dynamic Load Balancing in Cloud-based Multimedia System Using Genetic Algorithm | International Computer Symposium (ICS 2012) | 鄧德雋 |
2012-09-04 | The IG-Ferry Protocol to Support Efficient Controlled Replication in Vehicular Delay Tolerant Network | the 9th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (IEEE UIC 2012) | 張英超 |
2012-08-01 | 支援鬧區車輛網路中有效率封包複製控制的IG-Ferry路由協定 | The 17th Mobile Computing Workshop | 張英超 |
2012-07-01 | 基於交換即時路況之動態節能路徑規劃演算法設計與Android平台上的實作 | 2012 第七屆智慧生活科技研討會 | 張英超 |
2012-06-10 | Efficient Localization Algorithm in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks by Utilizing Radical Centers | IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2012) | 鄧德雋 |
2011-12-02 | The IG-ferry Protocol to Support Efficient Controlled Replication in Urban VANET | 2011全國計算機會議 (NCS2011) | 張英超 |
2011-12-01 | Efficient VANET Unicast Routing using Historical and Real-Time Traffic Information | 17th IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2011) | 張英超 |
2011-10-24 | The Predictive FHCoP-B Scheme for Fast and Seamless Handoff in the Nested Mobile Network | The 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science (NISS 2011) | 張英超 |
2011-09-02 | Performance Analysis for Schemes Supporting SIP in the Nested Mobile Network | 2011 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2011) | 張英超 |
2011-07-18 | Congestion Control with Dynamic Threshold Adaptation and Cross-layer Response for TCP over IEEE 80.11 Wireless Networks | 8th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telcommunications (ICETE 2011) | 鄧德雋 |
2011-06-05 | On Alleviating Starvation in Wireless Sensor Networks | IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC 2011) | 鄧德雋 |
2011-04-22 | 使用歷史與即時市區交通資訊之高效率車輛網路單點路由 | 2011AIT資訊科技國際研討會 | 張英超 |
2011-03-01 | 巢狀行動網路下之階層式Care-of Prefix with BUT 架構之實作 | IETAC 2011資訊教育與科技應用研討會, | 張英超 |
2010-12-06 | Improving Channel Utilization by Exploiting Partially Overlapping Channels in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks | IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 | 鄧德雋 |
2010-12-06 | Slow Start Backoff Algorithm for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks | IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 | 鄧德雋 |
2010-10-27 | 應用於巢狀式行動網路之SIP+HCoP-B架構與效能分析 | 臺灣網際網路研討會(TANET 2010) | 張英超 |
2010-08-25 | Perfroamce Evaluation of Pre-handoff Schemes for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks | 5th International ICST Conference on Communications and Networking in China (CHINACOM 2010) | 鄧德雋 |
2010-06-28 | Reactive Fast Handover Mechanisms in the Nested Mobile Networks | The 6th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (ACM IWCMC 2010) | 張英超 |
2010-05-20 | The CBQ+RED Scheme for End-to-End QoS Adaptation in the Integrated IntServ and DiffServ Networks | 7th IEEE VTS Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium | 張英超 |
2009-11-28 | 巢狀式行動網路下之反應式快速換手機制 | 2009 National Computer Symposium (NCS 2009) | 張英超 |
2009-11-27 | 動態調整使用者服務品質需求於異質性網路架構 | 2009 National Computer Symposium (NCS 2009) | 張英超 |
2009-11-27 | 應用於高效率車輛單點路由協定的交通統計路口圖設計 | 2009 National Computer Symposium (NCS 2009) | 張英超 |
2009-10-28 | HSMM: Hierarchical Synchronized Multimedia Multicast for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks | 臺灣網際網路研討會暨全球IPv6高峰會議 (TANET 2009) | 張英超 |
2009-10-28 | Ubuntu作業系統下NEMO Platform for Linux(NEPL)的流程效能分析 | 臺灣網際網路研討會暨全球IPv6高峰會議 (TANET 2009) | 張英超 |
2009-06-21 | An Enhanced Uplink Scheduling Algorithm for Video Traffic Transmission in IEEE 802.16 BWA Systems | 2009 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference | 鄧德雋 |
2009-06-21 | On Semi-Dynamic Contention Resolution Scheme for IEEE 802.16 BWA Systems | 2009 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference | 鄧德雋 |
2009-06-01 | Design and Analysis of the FHCoP-B Scheme for Fast Handoff Support in the Nested Mobile Network | IEEE International Conference on New Trends in Information and Service Sciences (NISS2009) | 張英超 |
2009-04-01 | A Novel Social Cluster-based P2P Framework for Integrating VANETs with the Internet | IEEE Wireless Communication and Networking Conference (WCNC) | 張英超 |
2008-09-01 | Integrated SIP and HCoP-B Architecture for Nested Network Mobility | The International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications and Systems (ACM Mobility 2008) | 張英超 |
2008-09-01 | 異質性無線網路下支援多媒體應用之階層式同步多點群播 | The Fourth Workshop on Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN 2008) | 張英超 |
2008-08-06 | Delay Analysis and Performance Evaluation of a Guaranteed QoS Provisioning Mechanism for Real-Time Traffic in IEEE 802.16e BWA Systems | 2008 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference | 鄧德雋 |
2008-06-01 | 巢狀式行動網路之快速換手機制 | 2008 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2008-06-01 | 巢狀行動網路下結合SIP與HCoP-B架構 | 2008 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2007-12-01 | Guaranteed QoS Scheduling Policy for CBR Traffic in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs | Proceedings of National Computer Symposiums (NCS 2007) | 鄧德雋 |
2007-04-01 | 巢狀行動網路下之階層式Care-of Prefix with BUT架構之無縫換手處理機制的設計 | The 13-th Mobile Computing Workshop, Mobile Computing 2007 | 張英超 |
2006-12-01 | 巢狀行動網路下之階層式Care-of Prefix with BUT架構 | 2006全國電信研討會 | 張英超 |
2006-06-01 | A P2P Location-Aware Surveillance System for Mobile Users | 2006 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2006-03-01 | 巢狀行動網路下之階層式Care-of Prefix架構 | The 12-th Mobile Computing Workshop, Mobile Computing 2006 | 張英超 |
2006-03-01 | 有線與無線網路整合環境內兩端點間之動態調整使用者服務品質需求的架構 | The 12-th Mobile Computing Workshop, Mobile Computing 2006 | 張英超 |
2005-11-01 | 以行動區域為基礎的垂直換手預測 | TANET 2005,C3-2 | 張英超 |
2005-06-01 | 整合GPS定位導航、即時多媒體影音、社群交友之行動通訊系統 | 2005 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2005-03-01 | 異質性網路下之階層式多媒體同步多點群播 | The 11-th Mobile Computing Workshop, Mobile Computing 2005 | 張英超 |
2004-12-01 | 以JMF建構無線即時校園互動式多媒體廣播與社群系統 | The 10-th Conference on Information Management and Implementation | 張英超 |
2004-10-01 | HMSIP整合QoS於3G無線多媒體上的Fast Handoff | TANET 2004 | 張英超 |
2004-06-01 | 利用RSVP協定整合端點之間動態調整使用者服務品質的保證與運作 | 2004 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2004-06-01 | HMSIP for Multicast Multimedia service and End-to-End QoS Support | 2004 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2004-05-01 | Synchronized Real-Time Multimedia Multicast For Mobile Users | World Wireless Congress | 張英超 |
2004-03-01 | HMSIP: Hierarchical Multicast SIP Protocol for Streaming Multimedia in Wireless Networks | 2004 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control (ICNCS) | 張英超 |
2004-03-01 | 異質性無線網路上以區域為基礎的垂直行動預測 | The 10-th Mobile Computing Workshop, Mobile Computing 2004 | 張英超 |
2004-03-01 | 利用Context Transfer Protocol與COPS-SLS確保行動用戶換手時動態調整的端點間服務品質 | The 10-th Mobile Computing Workshop, Mobile Computing 2004 | 張英超 |
2004-03-01 | Hierarchical Multicast SIP for Multimedia and QoS Supports in Wireless Networks | The 10-th Mobile Computing Workshop, Mobile Computing 2004 | 張英超 |
2004-02-17 | Quality-of-Service Provision Multimedia System for IEEE 802.11 WLAN | Proceedings of the IASTED Intl’l conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN 2004) | 鄧德雋 |
2003-10-01 | 階層式多點傳播SIP結合QoS於3G無線多媒體上的Fast Handoff | TANET 2003 | 張英超 |
2003-09-01 | Hierarchical Multicast SIP for Multimedia Fast Handoff and QoS Support | 2003 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2003-09-01 | A Dynamic Resource Allocation for Vertical Handoff on Heterogeneous Wireless Networks | 2003 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2003-09-01 | Multimedia Multicast support for Mobile IP | Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2003-05-01 | Synchronized Multimedia Multicast on Mobile IP Networks | IEEE ICC 2003 | 張英超 |
2002-12-01 | A Soft Resource Reservation Scheme for Layered Video During Handoff on The 3G Wireless Networks | 2002 International Computer Symposium (ICS2002) | 張英超 |
2002-11-01 | An Adaptive QoS Guarantee Framework for SMIL Multimedia Presentations with ATM ABR Service | IEEE Globecom 2002 | 張英超 |
2002-10-01 | Java-based SMIL多媒體即時同步遠距教學系統的設計與實作 | TANET 2002 | 張英超 |
2002-10-01 | 結合階層式行動SIP與IP Multicast技術於3G無線網路上的多媒體Handoff架構 | TANET 2002 | 張英超 |
2002-10-01 | 在Mobile IP下支援同步多媒體多點傳送 | TANET 2002 | 張英超 |
2002-07-01 | A Fair and Efficient SOM-based Feedback Congestion Control Scheme for ATM ABR Services | The 6th World Multi-Conference on SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS (SCI 2002) | 張英超 |
2002-06-27 | An Adaptive Prefetching and Scheduling Framework for SMIL QoS Guarantee with Wireless ATM ABR Service | 2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2002-06-27 | An Adaptive Resource Reservation Scheme for Layered Video During Handoff on The 3G Wireless Network | 2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2002-06-27 | Multimedia Multicast Support for Mobile IP on Heterogeneous Network | 2002 Symposium on Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2002-03-01 | Java-based SMIL多媒體即時互動播放系統的設計與實作 | 2002 Conference of Electronic Commerce and Digital Life | 張英超 |
2001-12-01 | A Dynamic QoS-guarantee Prefetching Protocol for Real-time Multimedia SMIL Presentation with ATM ABR Service | Proceeding of National Computer Symposium 2001 | 張英超 |
2001-10-01 | 在ATM ABR下支援SMIL文件的即時多媒體動態預先下載演算法 | Proceeding of TANET 2001 | 張英超 |
2001-05-18 | 透過ABR服務動態確保SMIL多媒體簡報品質的架構與實作 | Proc. of Workshop on the 21st Century Digital Life and Internet Technologies | 張英超 |
2001-05-01 | A SMIL-based Real-Time Interactive Sharing System for Distance Learning | The Tenth International World Wide Web Conference (WWW10) | 張英超 |
2000-12-01 | A Fair and Efficient SOM-based Feedback Congestion Control in ATM Networks | Proc. of the 2000 International Computer Symposium (ICS2000) | 張英超 |
2000-10-01 | 在ATM上透過SOM建構一個公平又有效的流量控制機制 | 第五屆電腦與通訊研討會 | 張英超 |
2000-08-01 | Prototyping of A Two-Mode Web-based Multimedia Distance Learning System | Proc. of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications (SEMA'2000) | 張英超 |
2000-02-01 | Design and Implementation of a Low Cost Multimedia Distance Learning System | Proc. of JCIS'2000 | 張英超 |
1999-10-01 | Design and Implementation of A Web-based SMIL Multimedia Streaming Presentation System | Proc. of 1999 Workshop on Consumer Electronics (WCE'99) | 張英超 |
1999-04-01 | Design and Implementation of a Multimedia Real-Time Interactive Distance Learning System on the Internet | Proc. of the 4th Multimedia Technology and Applications Symposium, Kaohsiung | 張英超 |
1996-01-01 | A Hypermedia Project Minute Recording and Processing Systems in the CSCW Environment | Proc. of The 10th International Conference on Information Networking(ICOIN-10) | 張英超 |
1994-10-01 | The Design and Implementation of a CSCW System | Proc. of 1994 HD-Media Technology and Applications Workshop | 張英超 |
1993-09-01 | A Real-Time Scheduling Policy for Multimedia Applications on Broadcast Networks | Proc. of Singapore International Conference on Networks and International Conference on Information Engineering | 張英超 |
1993-04-01 | A Real-Time Scheduling Policy on Broadcast Networks | Proc. of 1993 Workshops on Computer Applications | 張英超 |
主持人 : 陳伯岳 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
主持人 : 詹益禎 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
主持人 : 易昶霈 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
主持人 : 陳仁德 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
主持人 : 施明毅 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
主持人 : 賴聯福 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2017-08-01 | 使用機器學習與雲端運算技術來開發具協同過濾推薦功能的網路商品模糊查詢服務 | 科技部 | 賴聯福 |
2015-08-01 | 以元件式軟體工程達成商用網站與商用APP的自動化建構 | 科技部 | 賴聯福 |
2013-08-01 | 使用資料探勘及模糊理論開發具情境感知與機器學習功能的Android平台程式 | 科技部 | 賴聯福 |
2012-08-01 | 以模糊查詢技術及服務導向架構實作人力資源網路服務於無所不在的環境 | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2012-02-01 | 教育部101年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 賴聯福 |
2011-08-01 | 以模糊邏輯及雲端計算技術開發模糊搜尋引擎 | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2010-10-01 | 教育部 99-100 年度資訊軟體人才培育推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 賴聯福 |
2007-08-01 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (3/3) | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2006-08-01 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (2/3) | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2006-05-01 | 大專校院資訊人才培育先導型計畫-軟體工程課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 賴聯福 |
2005-08-01 | 模糊知識管理的系統化架構之研究 (1/3) | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2005-03-01 | 大專校院資訊人才培育先導型計畫-軟體工程課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 賴聯福 |
2004-08-01 | 使用自動化軟體工程方法解 決時間排程問題 | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2004-04-01 | 大專校院資訊人才培育計畫 -軟體工程聯盟發展計畫 | 教育部 | 賴聯福 |
2003-08-01 | 使用概念圖形法來達成知識管理 | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2002-08-01 | 以知識工程架構達成知識管理之研究 | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
2000-08-01 | 以概念圖形法來達成智慧型代理人之知識分享 | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
1999-08-01 | 使用高階派翠網路驗證工作結構 | 國科會 | 賴聯福 |
主持人 : 蕭如淵 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
主持人 : 丁德榮 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2023-08-01 | 混合多頻段彈性光網路上多週期漸進式規劃問題 | 國科會 | 丁德榮 |
2022-08-01 | 多頻段彈性光網路升級順序問題 | 科技部 | 丁德榮 |
2021-08-01 | 彈性光網路時變流量之虛擬網路資源交易與擴充問題研究 | 國科會 | 丁德榮 |
2020-08-01 | 教育部智慧物聯網課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 丁德榮 |
2017-08-01 | 彈性光網路上彈性傳送模式之需求傳送問題研究 | 科技部 | 丁德榮 |
2016-08-01 | 彈性光網路上時變交通模式多路徑路由頻譜配置擴充與縮減問題 | 科技部 | 丁德榮 |
2014-08-01 | 彈性光學網路上虛擬拓樸設計重整與轉換問題之研究 (103-2221-E-018-026-) | 國科會 | 丁德榮 |
2013-08-01 | 混合傳輸速率分波多工網路上虛擬拓樸重新調整問
(102-2221-E-018-013-) | 國科會 | 丁德榮 |
主持人 : 鄧德雋 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2023-08-01 | 人工智慧與機器學習於B5G/Pre6G通訊系統之運用與整合 | 國科會 | 鄧德雋 |
2022-08-01 | 人工智慧/機器學習於B5G/Pre6G網路的應用:以強化學習為例 | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2022-02-01 | 5G行動寬頻課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 鄧德雋 |
2021-08-01 | IEEE 802.11ba/IEEE 802.11be 網路中以及時量測為基礎之效能優化方案 | 國科會 | 鄧德雋 |
2020-08-01 | 次世代無線區域網路協定之效能分析與改進 | 國科會 | 鄧德雋 |
2018-11-01 | 產學合作計畫-無線區域網路中基於使用者經驗為導向之效能分析 | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2018-08-01 | IEEE 802.11ax 與 IEEE 802.11ba 省電機制之研究 | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2018-01-01 | France-Taiwan Orchid Program | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2017-08-01 | IEEE 802.11ax 隨機存取協定之效能分析與最佳化 | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2016-12-01 | 資訊工程與科技法律跨領域課程發展之研究-資訊工程與科技法律跨領域課程發展之研究 | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2016-02-01 | 105年度教育部資通訊軟體創新人才推升計畫 - 資訊檢索與探勘課程 | 教育部 | 鄧德雋 |
2015-08-19 | 第十一屆國際異質網路之品質、可靠度、安全性與穩健性學術會議 | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2013-08-01 | 無線隨意網路之定位演算法與效能最佳化 | 科技部 | 鄧德雋 |
2012-08-01 | 巨量資料的群聚和網路分析 | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 鄧德雋 |
2012-01-01 | France-Taiwan Orchid Program (中法幽蘭計畫) | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 鄧德雋 |
2011-08-01 | Cloud based Learning Group Recommendation System | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 鄧德雋 |
2011-08-01 | 資訊與通訊技術提升之重點研究-無線通訊之前瞻技術研究與網際通訊效率之改善與其應用於家庭網路之研究 | 國立彰化師範大學 | 鄧德雋 |
2011-07-01 | 網路通訊重點領域學程計畫 - 網通技術與文創觀光應用服務跨領域學程 | 教育部 | 鄧德雋 |
2010-08-01 | 學界協助中小企業科技關懷計畫 | 經濟部 | 鄧德雋 |
2010-04-01 | 資訊軟體人才培育先導計畫 - 資料結構課程 | 教育部 | 鄧德雋 |
2009-09-01 | 2009 年.tw 校園網路趨勢系列活動 | Taiwan Network Information Center (TWNIC) | 鄧德雋 |
2009-08-01 | 資通訊重點領域課程推廣計劃 | 教育部 | 鄧德雋 |
2009-02-01 | Taiwan Academic Network Conference 2009 (TANET 2009) | 教育部 | 鄧德雋 |
2008-08-01 | Remote Monitoring and Control Service in Digital Homes with RFID | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 鄧德雋 |
2008-01-01 | Guaranteed QoS Scheduling Policy for CBR Traffic in IEEE 802.11e Wireless LANs | 國立彰化師範大學 | 鄧德雋 |
2006-08-01 | IEEE802.11無線區域網路通訊協定於高負載與高雜訊環境中其媒體存取最佳化技術之研究與設計 | 行政院國家科學委員會 | 鄧德雋 |
主持人 : 伍朝欽 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2022-08-01 | 教育部111年度教學實踐研究計畫-以問題導向學習(PBL)策略的實務社群提升大學生學習動機與成效之研究-以微處理機技術必修課程為例 | 教育部 | 伍朝欽 |
2021-09-22 | 110年教育訓練經費補助-LIB學堂 相揪e起閱讀趣 | 教育部 | 伍朝欽 |
2021-08-01 | 110學年度大專校院身心障礙學生人文社會學科上課必要用書之有聲書製作與管理計畫 | 教育部 | 伍朝欽 |
2021-08-01 | 110學年度高級中等以下學校人文社會學科有聲教科書製作與管理計畫 | 教育部國民及學前教育署 | 伍朝欽 |
2018-08-01 | 107年度教育部扎根高中職資訊科學教育計畫 | 教育部 | 伍朝欽 |
主持人 : 張英超 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2023-08-01 | 一個車聯網之軟體定義路由平台:以整合深度/元強化學習與隨機森林的策略來處理車輛歷史軌跡與即時資訊 | 國科會 | 張英超 |
2021-08-01 | 風速感知的軟體定義飛行網路中以強化學習恢復斷裂無人機連結的3R演算法 | 國科會 | 張英超 |
2020-08-01 | 運用強化學習來尋找車載網路路由路徑 | 科技部 | 張英超 |
2019-08-01 | 運用貝氏推論改進強化學習的次世代車聯網 | 科技部 | 張英超 |
2019-07-01 | 以人工智慧辨識機車進入大車盲點之預警系統 | 科技部 | 張英超 |
2017-08-01 | 車輛網路上以軌跡與網路編碼為基礎的多點路由協定 | 科技部 | 張英超 |
2016-08-01 | 車載隨意行動網路中一個擁有社會意識以軌跡為基礎的路由協定 | 科技部 | 張英超 |
2015-08-01 | 基於車載網路分享車輛資訊的動態車輛共乘系統之設計 | 科技部 | 張英超 |
2014-08-01 | 車輛延遲容忍網路下基於軌跡預測的高效率資料轉傳協定 | 科技部 | 張英超 |
2013-08-01 | SocialCode: 車輛網路上一個以信用為基礎,激勵不同自私與興趣程度的車輛節點使用網路編碼於合作式內容分享的協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2013-07-01 | 汽車共乘之配對方法 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2012-08-01 | IG-Ferry: 車輛延遲容忍網路上一個以副本為基礎的高效率路由協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2012-01-01 | 基於即時路況收集交換動態節能路徑規劃演算法設計與Android平台上的實作 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2011-08-01 | 使用歷史與即時交通資訊之高效率車輛網路單點路由 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2010-08-01 | 反應式FHCoP-B快速換手的流程最佳化與效能分析 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2009-08-01 | 巢狀式行動網路下主動式與反應式FHCoP-B快速換手的架構設計與效能分析 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2009-07-01 | 修改NEPL程式,實作出HCoP-B架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2009-02-01 | 98年度資通訊課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 張英超 |
2008-08-01 | 巢狀式行動網路下整合SIP、HCoP-B與第二層快速換手的跨層架構設計 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2007-12-01 | 96-97年度資通訊課程推廣計畫 | 教育部 | 張英超 |
2007-08-01 | 巢狀式行動網路下的無縫式換手與多點群播研究 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2006-09-01 | 通訊科技人才培育先導型計畫特定課程補助 | 教育部 | 張英超 |
2006-08-01 | 支援路由最佳化、快速換手與多點傳送之階層式巢狀無線行動網路架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2005-08-01 | 第四代異質性無線網路下之階層式多媒體多點傳送同步架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2004-08-01 | 異質性無線網路上支援多媒體快速換手的階層式多點傳送SIP協定 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2003-08-01 | 異質性無線網路上多媒體服務品質之確保 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2003-07-13 | 使用行動通訊裝置建構校園互動式多媒體資訊系統(92國科會大專生專 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2002-12-01 | 中部科學園區推動計畫: 安全異質性接取網路之服務與應用 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2002-08-01 | 整合多媒體伺服器、代理伺服器與無線行動用戶的即時多媒體SMIL預載與排程架構 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2002-07-01 | 在無線網路PDA上之SMIL即時學習系統(91國科會大 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2001-08-01 | 支援SMIL多媒體即時同步遠距教學的動態網路調配平台 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2001-07-01 | PDA上SMIL多媒體無線通訊系統的開發與研究(90國科會大專生專題計畫) | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
2000-08-01 | 以SMIL為基礎的多媒體即時同步遠距教學 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
1999-08-01 | 遠距教學環境中之多媒體即時同步資料流伺服器的研發 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
1998-11-01 | 網際網路上「多媒體」「即時」遠距教學系統之研發(88大專生參與國科會計畫) | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
1998-08-01 | 應用於遠距教學中之全球資訊網多媒體同步技術的研發與實作 | 國家科學委員會 | 張英超 |
主持人 : 張家濟 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2023-11-01 | 具有多重無線通訊協定的超低功耗電子標籤之設計與實現 | 國科會 | 張家濟 |
2022-11-01 | 產學合作計畫-結合備用電源之多源能量採集器的無源無線感測裝置 | 國科會+奕傑電子股份有限公司 | 張家濟 |
2022-11-01 | 結合備用電源之多源能量採集器的無源無線感測裝置 | 國科會 | 張家濟 |
2021-11-01 | 設計並實現具備用電源的無線感測系統:結合能量採集器之即時監測血氧濃度、心率和遠紅外線熱傳感測器陣列 | 國科會 | 張家濟 |
主持人 : 黃耀賢 教授 | |||
時間 | 論文名稱 | 研討會名稱 | 發表人 |
2023-08-01 | 智慧化電腦斷層之自監督學習電腦輔助多組織標注與胰臟癌分級系統 | 國科會 | 黃耀賢 |
2022-08-01 | 智慧化電腦斷層影像之電腦輔助有效影像篩選與組織標注系統 | 科技部 | 黃耀賢 |
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*徵才、實習公告及網站相關問題請聯繫:04-7232105 分機8403 電子郵件:abao746@cc.ncue.edu.tw